

Father's Day 父亲节【精】

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The first father's day was in June, 5th, 1910, United Stated. In 1909, a lady called Bruce Dodd put forward that people should establish father’s day. At that time, people only celebrated the mother's day, but nobody celebrate father's day yet. Lady Dodd had lost her mother when she was very young, her father raised her grew up. Lady Dodd was so thankful for what her father had done for her that she wrote a letter to the government. In the letter, she appeals to establish the father's day. The government accepted her suggestion and decided that the third Sunday of June is the national father’s day. In 1972, the president Nixon had passed the law and agreed that the father’s day is on June the third Sunday. From this year, the world started to celebrate father’s day.

第一个父亲节始于1910年6月5日。在这一年,一位叫布鲁斯.多德的女士提出人们应该成立父亲节。在那个时候,人们仅仅庆祝母亲节,却没人庆祝父亲节。而多德女士在很小的时候就失去了自己的母亲,由自己父亲亲手带大。她非常感谢自己父亲所做的一切,于是,她给政府写了一封信,提议成立父亲节。政府同意了她的请求,并决定把每年的6月第三个星期天定为全国父亲节。在1972年,总统尼克松通过了父亲节的法律并同意把每年6月的第三个星期日定为父亲节。从这一年开始,世界开始庆祝父亲节。On this special day, the children usually dedicate flowers to their fathers. The red roses to those who still alive, while the white ones to the fallings. Fathers always are considered being the central of the whole family. Without father in the family, home may feel insecure. The father always fights for the family and support the family. On this day, we can do something for our fathers. For instance, we can make a breakfast for them, or buy them a nice tie. We should spend more time with our father, show our love to them.在这特别的一天,孩子们通常会给父亲送花。红玫瑰送给依然健在的父亲,白玫瑰送给已逝的父亲。父亲一直被认为是家庭的顶梁柱。没有父亲在的家庭,就缺乏安全感。父亲总是为了养家奋斗奔波。在这一天,我们可以为自己的父亲做些什么。比如,为父亲做一份早餐;为他们买条领带。我们可以花更多的时间陪伴自己的父亲,让他知道我们爱他。The father’s day is coming, take this chance, and tell our fathers that we love him. Happy father’s day!父亲节就要来了,抓住这次机会,告诉父亲,我爱他。父亲节快乐!


精彩英语作文:The Coming of Father’s Day 父亲节的由来

Almost every kid will be asked the question of whom do you like better, your mother or your father. There is no doubt that mother is very great as she gives you the life, while father is also of importance. Father’s Day is invented to show gratitude to fathers. Its coming has a story.


The first person to propose the idea of Father’s Day was Mrs. Dodd in 1906. She wanted a special day to honor her father, whose wife passed away many years ago. At first, Mrs. Dodd wanted Father’s Day to be celebrated on her father’s birthday, but later President Johnson signed a paper to declare the third Sunday of June was Father’s Day. Since then, it became an international day. It is not only to honor one’s father, but also the fathers of all the people.


Father’s Day reminds people to show gratitude to their fathers, who loves you all the time and no matter what difficulty you meet, he will stand by your side. So however busy we are, we should call them now and then.


Women’s Day 妇女节

Today is Women’s Day, early in the morning, I opened the computer and read the news. I found most people planned to give their mothers the surprise, until then did I realize that I should do something to my mom, she took care of us all the time, now she deserved to have a rest. So my father and I planned something for her.


My father and I told my mother she should take a rest in this day, so my mother went to find her friends and went to shopping. My father and I decided to buy her a necklace, my mother wanted to have a necklace for a long time, but she thought it would spend a lot of money, so she gave up. My father and I went to the jewelry shop, we chose a necklace for my mother and she would be very happy.


When we went back home, we started to cook the dinner, after a while, my mother came back. When she saw the dishes, she laughed, then my father took out the necklace, my mother was very surprised, she couldn’t say a word. I wish my mother happy all the time.


大学生英语作文:The Role Father Plays in Children’s Growing Up 父亲在孩子成长中扮演的角色【精】

What is the hottest topic this summer, there is no doubt that it belongs to the amusement show Where Do You Go, Dad, the show is such great success that everyone talks about it. The show is about five groups of fathers and their children go to different places, learning to cope with each other. The show reminds people of the role father plays in children’s growing up.


In nursing a child, the mother always takes care of everything, while father puts less care in nursing because of the work. It is a natural situation for most of the families. As the time goes by, mothers also need to go out for work; they want to share the equal duty with their husband. Even the mothers go out for work, but fathers do not realize the duty they should take on their children, the traditional role does not change. The show makes people realize that the father focuses too much work; they spend less time playing with their kids. Seeing the fathers have no idea how to deal with their kids on the show, people laugh, fathers begin to realize they should take more time with their kids.


The show has great influence on the audience; fathers learn a lot from the show. It is said that some fathers no more focus too much on work, they learn to spend more time with kids and be a good father.


Children’s Day 儿童节

Children's day is on the first day of June. On that day, every child will celebrate it in their ways. The school always prepare some funny games for students, and all of these leave the children a happy childhood. For most parents, they are very busy and don’t take Children’s Day seriously. The time to spend with children matters so much.


Most parents believe that they live with the children every day, so there is no need to spare extra time to play with them. It is totally wrong thought. Every parent is busy, but some of them will spare some time to play with their kids, because they don't want to miss every important moment for their children. Everything the elders do will be remembered by the young hearts. It is the best love for them.


Some parents satisfy their kids by giving money and buying what they want. Actually, it is better to spend some time with children, or have communication with them. It is said that company is the best love.


作文推荐 Mother's Day 母亲节(收藏)

There is no doubt that mother is the greatest person in the world. She gives me life and takes care of me all the time. It is natural to have a day to show the great respect to our mothers, so people named a day as Mother's Day in the second Sunday of May. At this meaningful day, people find some special ways to express gratitude.


Mother's Day gives people a chance to express their gratitude to their mothers and it is important to do so. My parents are traditional and they don’t often say words about love, but the things they do for me are never less. When I went to middle school, my classmates sent messages to their mothers or just gave a call on Mother's Day, until then I realized I must do something for my mother. So I borrowed my friend's phone and sent a message to my mom, telling her that I loved her. Later, my father told me that mom was really happy.


Every small act we do for our mothers will touch them deeply. If we can’t make her happy every day, at least let her know how much we love her.


优秀英语作文 妇女节的由来The Origin of Women's Day

Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 every year.


International Women's Day is a celebration of struggle for equality, justice and peace. In China, Women's Day was first celebrated in 1924 with the leadership of the Communist Party of China.


On March 8 women all over the world will have a party to celebrate their festival. They usually have a rest for half a day.


作文推荐 五一国际劳动节 The International Worker’s Day【精】

The international workers’day, also known as May day, is celebrated on the first day on May. There are more than eighty countries celebrate this festival since 1889. People may know that the worker’s day is about having a rest on that day, but most of them don’t know how this day comes from and the story behind it.


In the late of 18 century, the cruel capitalists in order to make more money, they demanded their employers to work all day, but only paid them with low salaries. In America, the workers had to work at least 14 hours a day, sometimes, they even worked as long as 18 hours. Due to the unfair payment, the works knew that they had to stand up and fight for their rights, or all of them will die young. Then the workers started to go on strike, demanded that the reasonable working hours should be 8 hours a day. However, the capitalists did not pay attention to the workers’demand. The workers had to fight for their rights for themselves. On may 1st, 1886, the United States and Canada’s worker unions got together to start the biggest strike. After that day, the law had passed the rules that the workers’working hours would be 8 hours per day. This strike had made a different. The worker did not need to suffer from the long working hours with low payment.


The international worker’s day aims to memorize the spirit of brave and show our honor to the former workers. Because they had make great contribution to today’s happiness.


Happy workers’day !五一劳动节快乐!

优秀英语作文 The April Fool’s Day 愚人节

The April fool’s day is coming. The people, especially the teenagers, are quite excited about the jokes they are going to make on the others. One of the jokes is to tell your boyfriend or girlfriend that you want to break up with him or her. Sometimes, the jokes just have gone too far that people may take it seriously. So, in the western countries, people make a rule that all the jokes make on April 1st should be end by 12 a.m. After that moment, no more jokes.


It’s said that the April fool’s day is started from France. In the year of 1582, the French King Charles decided that the first day of New Year should be January 1st but not April 1st. But some people were not happy about this decision; they still send their New Year gifts to the others on April 1st. The supporters despised the protesters’ behaviors that they give the protesters fake presents and invited them to the fake parties which didn’t go to run at all. When someone has been made fun of, the people around them will cry out “Poisson D’ Avril”, which mean “April fool.” After that, the tradition of making fun of others on April 1st has remained.

据说愚人节源自于法国。在1582年,法国国王查理决定把新年的第一天从4月1日改为1月1日。但有些人对此很不乐意。他们依旧在4月1日派送新年礼物。国王的支持者们非常鄙视反对者的行为,他们就想出了送给反对者假礼物、邀请他们去参加那些根本就不打算举办的假派对。当这些人被捉弄的时候,周围的人就会大叫“Poisson D’ Avril”(原文为法语)意为“四月的笨蛋”。从这以后,在4月1日开玩笑的传统就流传了下来。

In China, some people are quite enjoying this special foreign festival. The kid will have the fully excuse to mess around without being published. They can put the mustard into the toothpaste; tell their friends that the girls they crush on are waiting in the park; lie to their friends they don’t need to do their homework on this day. These just some jokes, they mean no harm but fun. Sometimes, we live under too much pressure that we really need some joys in our life.


Happy April fool’s day!


三八妇女节International Women’s Day(必备)

On March 8th, 1975, the United Nation started to celebrate the International Women’s Day. In China, the women’s day also called “March 8th”day. Why we celebrate women’s day? There is a long story.


On March 8th, 1909, the Women’s Union of Chicago demonstrated against the inequality between men and women. They demanded that they should have the same payments, the same working hours as men had, and they should have the rights to vote. They even put forward a slogan: Bread and Rose, which stood for equal payment and a better living standard. This demonstrated had caused international attention to the women’s rights. A year later, a critical meeting was held in Demark, in order to promote the women’s liberation and equal rights, the council members decided to establish the Women’s Day on March 8th. Then March 8th, 1911 just became the first Women’s day.


In our country, during the women’s day, the women usually have a day-off holiday. The communities or companies will organize the recreational activities such as a spring outing, a nice dinner and some extra welfare. On this special day, the women can really realize that a woman’s value is not only giving birth to a child, doing endless housework, but also find her own status in the modern society. That is she can make a different. She can do everything that a man can do. When you look around, you will find that more and more women are acting as scientists, doctors, lawyers, even leaders. Just try to remember, women rule half of this world. The life could quite different without their wisdom and beauty.


Happy International Women’s Day!


大学生作文分享 The Mother’s Day 母亲节(收藏)

The mother’s day is a day that we express our sincerely thanks to our mother. This year, the mother’s day is on May 11th. The mother’s day first started from ancient Greek, then the Americans decided that the second Sunday of May is the mother’s day. On this special day, the mothers will receive presents from their children. The gifts could be anything. It is a way that the children show their love and care to their mothers.


As students, we don’t have too much money to buy expensive gifts to our mother, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything to express our thanks to our mothers. We can do something too. I have a few suggestions. For example, we can make a breakfast for our mother, or make a card for her. We can also do some cleaning to reduce mother’s pressure. We can use our lucky money to buy a single carnation. What’s more, we can turn to fathers for help, I think our fathers will be willing to give us some help about what to do on the mother’s day. The chief thing to remember is that the mother’s day is aimed to spend more time with our mother, and appreciate what she has done for the whole family. I think every mother is great, and everybody should do something to let our mothers know that we love her.


Happy mother’s day!







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