

精彩英语作文:我对跳槽换工作的看法英语作文My View on Job-hopping【推荐】

随着生活水平的提高,我们会遇到许许多多的范文类型,范文可以为我们平时的生活提供不少帮助,范文主要包含哪些内容呢?小编陆续为大家整理了精彩英语作文:我对跳槽换工作的看法英语作文My View on Job-hopping【推荐】,欢迎阅读,希望你能够喜欢并分享!

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on dob-hopping. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:




My View on Job-hopping


People have different attitudes towards their work. Some prefer to stick to one occupation as their lifelong career. These people are of the opinion that one can never do his work well unless he is devoted to only one job in his lifetime. So if one changes his job frequently, he will not get the necessary experience needed in his work.


Others, on the other hand, like to change their jobs at times. In their opinion, people work in order to make more money. If they have a chance to get a better paid job, they will certainly try to get this chance. Besides, if a person does only one job all his life, he will certainly be bored with it.


My idea is that interest is the most important if one wants to excel others in his job. So if a person is not interested in his job, job hopping is normal and even necessary. Otherwise, he will suffer from his work, and inevitably, he is not likely to succeed in his career.



英语范文:跳槽之我见 My View on Job-hopping

Different people have different opinions about job-hopping. Some people like to change jobs frequently because they don’t know what they really good at; while some people stick to one lifelong job for they believe changing jobs frequently will have negative effect on making progress on specific field. As far as I concern, I think job-hopping has both advantages and disadvantages for the following reasons.


On one hand, job-hopping can help those young people who just graduate from universities to find out what jobs they are really good at. They change jobs frequently because they don’t like this job or they just want to find a better job. Some people think changing jobs frequently can ignite their inspiration. I have a friend; he is one of the types that changing his job from time to time. This month he works at the supermarket, next month he is doing business with others. Recently, he plans to run a shop on line. I ask him why, he said that he wanted to find out what job he loves the most. And doing a job for the rest of his life is quite tedious. He doesn’t want to live in the regular life style.


On the other hand, some people are not so willing to change their jobs, especially most women. If one of them finds a job is steady, she possibly won’t change her job, even though the salary is not good enough. For them, changing jobs takes too much courage and time; it’s not so wise to change. Steady is the most important factor for them.


Whether to change jobs, it’s up to you. I think it both has advantages and disadvantages. If you think the job you do right now is not good enough, you can seek for a better job; if you can’t take the risk of resign, you had better stay.


跳槽之我见My View on Job-Hopping

Nowadays, many youth changes their jobs frequently which have aroused large focus by public. Some people think young people should stick to one job until they learn things. But others think if young people have higher salary or position, they could change their jobs as well as they like. In my opinion, I prefer the second one.


Firstly, many students don’t know what kinds of job they really want after graduate, but if they practice and change constantly, they may find the favor one. Moreover, change means step forward. Of course, they will choose the one with high pay or high position.


Secondly, changing job means knowing more people. Youth could learn more skills from different bosses and colleagues, and make friends with ex-boss or workers; It must be huge relation recourse for their career.


Thirdly, changing jobs could exercise youth’s ability, especially adaptability. When young people meet the new environment and new people, they need times to adapt all of it. If they experience more, they would make themselves become the member of the collective as soon as possible, which also advantage for their works.


To sum up, it’s reasonable to change their jobs if youth have the chance.


精彩英语作文:My View on Examinations 我对考试的看法【精】

We live in a world full of competition. And the examination is one of the tools to exam whether we meet the standard or not. If we want to enter the key university, we have to get high marks on the College Entrance Exam;if we want to have a good job, we will go through a series of interviews and tests;If we want to drive a car, we have to pass the driving test. Some people complain that there are too many exams in our lives, and these exams cannot truly or fully reflect a person’s ability. Unfortunately, our fate and future are depending on these exams. We cannot avoid them.


It’s true that the examinations can only test what we remember instead of what we know. A student with a good memory may find it very easy to get high marks before the examinations. All he needs to do is to remember the knowledge from the textbooks. In this situation, it’s quite unfair to evaluate the students only through exams. What’s more, some unexpected accidents may happen to the students such as a high fever or a sudden headache; this will affect the final marks. Since no one can performs stable all the time.


Sometimes, luck plays a vital role in the examinations. The student may guess an answer right although he doesn’t work hard on the course. If the student has a good handwriting, he may get higher marks than others. There are many subjective factors that may affect the outcome of the exams.


In a word, it’s not enough to use exams to evaluate the students. If the schools want to assess the students, they should use different ways. Only in this way, the result may be fair.


作文推荐 跳槽的坏处 The Perils of Job-hopping【推荐】

Most people change jobs several times in their careers, especially the young people, they keep switching companies, we call it job-hopping. For young people, sometimes changing jobs brings benefit, but the constant job-hopping hinders their reputation and interrupts daily life.


The biggest disadvantage of job-hopping is that it brings negative affect on the trust issues. When the employer sees the resume of a job applicant, the thing he cares about most is the job experience, while if there are more than 10 different job experiences on the resume, what will the employer thinks!There is no doubt that he will be surprised and giving no chance to the guy, because he worries about the guy won’t stay long in the company.


In addition, the constant job-hopping also interrupts the normal life. Changing a job means to find the new employer, to rewrite the cover letter and to prepare for the interview, how annoying it is. All of these take a lot of time, the new job means to restart again, the different work place needs to relocate, you need to adjust yourself.


For most people, they need to change jobs sometimes, it is normal. But some people change jobs without further thinking, they make the rush decision, which damages their careers, so it is better to take a wise decision.对于大部分人来说,他们有时候需要换工作,这是正常的。但是一些人没有经过深思熟虑就换工作了,草率做决定,这对他们的职业是不好的,因此最好经过熟虑。

大学生英语作文:我对学校内舞弊的看法My View of Cheating on Campus【推荐】

Though it iscontemptible to most of the students and forbidden by the university andauthority, cheating is far from extinct. What’s worse is that those who cheatdon’t consider cheating a disgraceful act.


Students cheat onexams mostly because they don’t put enough time and energy in their studies. However,through their “clever “tricks, they get high marks on the exams, and some ofthem even receive scholarships. It’s not difficult to imagine how disappointedmost hardworking students will be, and we are sure that there will certainly bestudents will be, and we are sure that there will certainly be students whowill follow suit.


Cheating will notonly do great harm to the student’s initiative to study hard, but also affectthe cultivation of the students’ minds. Exam is a fair system to encourage andstimulate students’ hard work at their lessons. If any unfair means other thanhard work can secure high marks, there is no denying that the students will be encouraged,to some extent, to seek devious means to achieve their goals in life. Theresult may be that the society will end up in unfair competition.


So it is of greatnecessity for the university authorities to take more effective measures tocounteract the phenomenon of cheating on the campus.


大学生英语作文:My View on Internet Slangs 我对网络用语的看法(收藏)

As the development of Internet, people like to use computer to do many things, we can say that computer has been part of our life. People get used to reading the news and then sharing their opinion on the Internet, then more and more slangs come into being. I think these slangs are good for expression but should not be used officially.


We can see the people make some sentence short, like by the way is short for btw. At first, we may not like it, but when we find that everybody is expressing like this, we will follow and then get used to it. Internet slangs are another way for people to express themselves, it is quit short and convenient.

我们可以看到人们使一些句子变短,比如“by the way”缩短为“btw”。刚开始,我们也学不喜欢,但是当我们发现大家都在这样表达时,也会跟着使用,然后开始适应。网络用语是人们表达自己的另一种方式,简洁而方便。

Though Internet slangs are favored by many people, we must know it clearly that these words should not be used in official writing. Because these words will change its meaning as the time goes on, sometimes people will misunderstand the meaning.


Internet Slangs are very popular now, it provides a way for people to communicate and we can use them in the certain situation.


精彩文章我对电视的看法 My View on Television

Step into the new century, television plays a very important role in people’s daily life. Some people believe that it is a blessing, while others argue that it is a curse to the society, epically to the teenagers. In my humble opinion, television has both advantages and disadvantages.


Television makes people realize what the rest of the world is going on. Before television was invented, people used newspapers, radio to spread the news. But none of this is faster than TV. If somewhere else is having an earthquake, we can know immediately. TV also makes our tedious life more colorful. As to those who retire, housewives, or kids who having their summer holiday, TV has been a good company. Turn on TV people can enjoy the latest films and programs without going to the cinema. It also offers specialized programs such as cooking, teaching, exercise and so on. It teaches us knowledge and broadens our horizon.


Just like each coin has two sides, television is no exception. It can be harmful too. Some of the programs are too violence for teenagers to watch. Fake advertising are full of mid-night programs. And some people complain that TV takes up all their free time, they don’t even have time to go outside for family reunions or hang out with their friends any more. Some of them are so indulge in TV that they become potato couch. Some people say that watching TV is a waste of time.


To sum up, we should hold the right attitude toward TV. We should use it in an appropriate way, shorten the time that we spend on TV, only watch the meaningful programs. Only in this way can we benefit a lot from it.


作文推荐 My View on Man-made Beauty 我对人造美的看法【推荐】

As people are becoming moreconscious of their appearance, man-made beauty beings to emerge. Some peopleare strongly opposed to beautifying one’s image by surgeries. They believe thatoutside beauty doesn’t matter so much and inner beauty is more important thanthat. But I don’t think so and I insist that man-made beauty confirms to thehuman nature of loving beauty.


I have two reasons to support my view. Onthe one hand, everyone loves beautiful things and physical beauty makes onemore presentable, thus boosting one’s self-confidence. Moreover one’sappearance really counts on many occasions. For example, in the interviewsespecially for the posts of secretaries, administrative assistance, and publicrelations ladies, interviewees with good looking have an advantage over thosewith plain looking. On the other hand, the surgeries can beautify the peoplewith defects and free them of discrimination. For instance, many people withinborn disfigured faces or burned skin are able to come out of the darkness andinto the light by means of cosmetic surgery.


From the foregoing, a natural conclusion canbe drawn that beautifying oneself by surgeries conduces to the buildup of one’sconfidence and the rebirth of the defective people and that the appearance ofman-made beauty is indicative of the progress of the society.


精彩英语作文:My Hometown 我的家乡【推荐】

Hometown is the place where a person belongs. Chinese people have special feelings about their hometown. No matter where they go, they won’t abandon it and always make some time to visit. My hometown brings me so many happy memories and I wish it could keep its original face forever.

家乡是一个人的归属。中国人对家乡有着特殊的情感,无论他们去哪里,都不会摒弃自己的家乡,总会腾出一些时间回家乡看看。家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡给我带来了很多快乐的回忆,我希望它能永远保持原样。

Two years ago, I lived in my hometown. It is a small village, so people there get familiar with each other. When we walked on the country road, everyone smiled when we saw each other. There was no distance for us. In the daytime, I liked to go boating in the small river with my friends, or sometimes I could catch fish. The green trees around me and I could hear the birds singing all the time. It was a paradise for me.


However, even the small paradise can’t avoid being polluted seriously. The environment is no more clean, the river becomes smaller and the water is so dirty. When I see this, I feel so pity. If we lose the clean land, how can we survive for long. Protecting the environment is in need.


精彩英语作文:我的学校 My College

Icome from Hunan First Normal College, which Chairman Mao once studied in. SoI'm so much honored to be a schoolmate of Chairman Mao.


Ithink my school is changing day by day. The first time I arrived at our school,it was a dirty place, because it was under construction. However, after a fewyears, great changes took place. Therefore, my school turned to a new face.


Nowadays,the campus is a beautiful place which is decorated with green trees, beautifulflowers and crystal water, so it is regarded as a heaven. The buildings in myschool are very fantastic. They look like the castles in fairyland.


What'smore, the scenery behind the school is beyond description. Look, the greenmountains and golden fields are in harmony with the blue sky. As you captureit, you will find it magnificent. I believe you will enjoy yourself a lot in myschool.







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