

英语范文:娱乐活动 Recreational Activities(参考)

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Nowadays, there are many kinds of activitiesfor people entertaining in their leisure time, especially in holiday, such asclimbing a mountain, having a picnic, holding a party and so on. However, theserecreational activities have its advantages but also bring some harmfulinfluences to people’s lives.


First, to some extent, these recreational activities enrichpeople’s lives. Those who take part in different activities will not be easy tofeel lonely or boring in their leisure time and live wonderful lives instead.Second, taking part in some group activities is a good form to strengthenfriendships. For example, many students will hold a union to collect their oldclassmates or friends in winter holiday so that they have a common time tocommunicate with each other. Last but not least, such activities like climbinga mountain provide a good chance to do exercise.


However, these recreational activities also bring some problems atthe same time. For one thing, taking part in too many these activities willincrease the burden of themselves or their families because it is inevitable tospend some money in holding these activities. For another, some recreationalactivities have potential harm for participants’ health, particularly stayingup all night, drinking and smoking.


Therefore, in my opinion, we have to make a careful considerationbefore we take part in these recreational activities.




It is impossible to keep in good health unless we have sufficient recreation. The mind, too, needs rest to keep alert and vigorous. There is a lot of truth in the old saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

There are many games which we can play after our work is done. But it's always advisable for people to remember that persons who sit much should take up sports or a kind of recreation that requires muscular exercise. Those who spend most of their time in the open air and have constant muscular labor, however, should adopt reading or some other quiet forms of recreation that will give them some physical rest.

Cycling is said to be a capital means of recreation. But some people foolishly exhaust themselves by excessive exertion on the bike. The same may be said in regard to football. Tennis is a great form of recreation. Fishing requires much patience, but there is the risk of catching cold by prolonged exposure. A good brisk walk is one of the finest forms of exercise. For persons engaged in outdoor labor, chess playing is an excellent change.

英语范文:My Favorite Form of Entertainment 我最喜欢的娱乐方式

As the development of the economy, more and more people live the good life. As they have more money to satisfy the material issue, so they chase for entertainment. The old people like to dance in the square and the young people like to KTV. As for me, my favorite form of entertainment is to travel.


On the one hand, travel can broaden my vision. Going to the different place can let me see the different scenery. Every time when I go to a place, I will talk to the local people and get to know their culture. I learn so many things from life instead of the book.


On the other hand, I will make friends during the trip. When I take the train, I will always find someone who has the same interest with me. We will talk a lot on the train, though our destination is different, we keep in touch and share our opinion all the time.


Going to travel is my favorite form of entertainment, I learn a lot and I will continue my travel when I have the time and money.


优秀英语作文 Should College Students Take Part In Activities? 大学生该参加活动吗?【精】

In the campus, college students are so excited about the new life and they want to make friends with others who are coming from different areas. So taking part in activities can help them to improve their talents and also make more friends. But some people doubt that activities will distract students’ attention. In my opinion, activity is part of campus life.


It is obvious that campus life provides students more stages to communicate and show their talents, so they need to find the chance by joining the activities. Some students make a lot of friends who share the same interest, or find the stage to show their talents. The meaning of activities is to improve students’ ability to communicate, which is of great importance to their future life.


Activities can’t be ignored in campus life, but students must keep in their minds that study is their top priority. They are in the stage of preparing for skills, which means major knowledge and the ability to deal with relationships. So both study and activities are indispensable part of college life.


大学生范文 娱乐领班个人简历

目前所在: 河南 年龄: 19

户口所在: 河南 国籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民族: 汉族

培训认证: 未参加 身高: 155 cm

诚信徽章: 未申请 体重: 45 kg

人才测评: 未测评



人才类型: 在校学生

应聘职位: 餐饮/娱乐领班/部长:领班

工作年限: 1 职称: 初级

求职类型: 兼职 可到职日期: 一个月

月薪要求: 1000--1500 希望工作地区: 河南,河南,


萱美特西餐厅 起止年月:20xx-06-19 ~ 20xx-11-11

公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:餐饮业

担任职位: 服务员

工作描述: 学到了以前不会的很多东西,比如交际、实践、社会中关系的处理

离职原因: 要去学校深造



毕业院校: 还未毕业

最高学历: 大专获得学位: 没有 毕业日期: 20xx-06-20

专 业 一: 食品质检 专 业 二: 食品质检

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号

20xx-09-01 20xx-06-16 漯河食品职业学院 食品质检 无 无


外语: 英语一般 粤语水平: 较差

其它外语能力: 没有了,对其它的一点都没有兴趣

国语水平: 良好





英语范文:Growing Flowers种花(参考)

Spring set in early this year. Some of my neighbors began to grow flowers. There were morning glories, jasmine, cactus, and the like in their flowerpots. I wanted to have a try myself. But I had neither knowledge nor experience in such matters. Fortunately, I came across a book on plants in the library. I read the relevant chapters, which left me with the impression that any plant would grow luxuriantly if you could supply it with sufficient fertilizer and water. Of these two essential factors, fertilizer was obviously by far the more important one.

According to what I had learnt from the hook, I sowed some seeds of morning glory in a flowerpot with a lot of fertilizer, and watered them everyday. I really took good care of them and eagerly awaited their sprouting. But,be that as it may,they just didn't come up. When half a month had elapsed,I was absolutely disappointed. I dug some of the seeds out of the soil and found they had already rotted! Why they had rotted defied my analysis. So I went to consult one of my neighbors. He told me my failure was due to my misunderstanding of the hook, and the fact was that I had overfed themwater or fertilizer may be a two-edged sword.

I think I must draw a lesson from this failure——Never go beyond the limit even if for good purpose.






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