

A Lesson From Obama 奥巴马的一节课(必备)

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The new semester is beginning soon, the first lesson from celebrities are always catching the media’s attention. The American president Obama deliver a lesson on why we need to receive education. This lesson is simple and profound, he called on the students to work hard.


Obama as the first black president in America, has opened the new era for the country. His life is inspiring and encourages the young generation to fight for their dreams. When Obama was very small, his family was very poor and did not have the enough money to support his education, but his mother would not give up on his education, so she taught this little boy at home at her spared time.


Education brings Obama the chance to compete with other guys and makes some changes of his life. He pointed out that though education can’t make sure to make big money, it cultivated you to be a better person and made you a skilled man.


The lesson from Obama inspires students to focus on study and fight for their future.



精彩文章The Protest From Asian Actors 亚洲演员的抗议(必备)

Hollywood movies are popular around the world. As the world gets globalized, more Asian faces have appeared in the Hollywood screen. But the fact is that Asian actors just play the small roles and only few of them become popular. Asian actors struggle to be recognized in the American culture.


Recently, the Asian American actors protested against the unequal pay in Hollywood. It started with an Asian male actor who played an important role in the TV show for a long time, but he never got paid as much as other American actors. So he questioned about the racist discrimination in Hollywood. Later then, a lot of Asian American actors supported him and they presented the same unfair situation.


America is famous for the diversity of culture, and people even call this country the melt pot. But the fact is that racist discrimination happens all the time. Black and Asian people are always treated unfairly in chance and pay. There is still a long way to go for them to fight for the equality.


How to Prevent from Committing Crimes 如何预防犯罪(必备)

In many parts of the world, the problem of gun shot has become more serious, especially in America, because of the available source of guns, many people commit crimes with guns. How to reduce the crime has caught the world’s attention and the public calls for taking affective action.


In the United States, the gun shot incidents in campus have increased, many people worry about their security and the world is calling for taking action to prevent such incidents. Most people believe that it is necessary to control guns, even to ban selling it. But parts of the Americans believe that the best way to protect themselves is to have more guns, so they can fight against the gangsters.


Gun shot is a serious topic. I believe that the best way to reduce the serious problem is education. People must realize the danger of gun abuse and find the way to relieve their negative emotion. When they can deal with their pressure and bad mood, they will not do the criminal things.


Buying more guns only increases criminal incidents. Only education helps to create a better society.


[观后感必备] 开学第一课的观后心得之二

按照平时学习工作的要求,我们会看到各种各样的范文,一篇好的范文能够提供好的参考,你可能正在找一些相关内容的范文,《[观后感必备] 开学第一课的观后心得之二》是小编为大家精心挑选的范文,希望你喜欢。






The Suggestions From Hawking 霍金给孩子的建议

Stephen Hawking is one of the great scientists in the history, whose brilliant idea about universe opens the door for people to get to know the universe. Hawking is also a humorous person that he has showed in the movies and the public loved him so much. As a father, his suggestions to the children are very impressive.


Stephen Hawking gave three suggestions to his children. Though he was disable at the young age, his love for his children was as strong as other fathers. The first suggestion is to remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. The second is to never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. The last is that if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is rare, and don’t throw it away.


The three suggestions are just from an ordinary father. He just wishes his kids can enjoy the life and find their own value in the world. It is also the common expectation from all fathers. Stephen Hawking is a great wise man.


[观后感必备] 开学第一课观后感

平时的生活中,我会运用到各种各样的范文,范文可以为我们平时的生活提供不少帮助,我们一起来看看有哪些范文吧!小编为你推荐《[观后感必备] 开学第一课观后感》,希望您喜欢。










大学生英语作文:Annoyances From Young People 年轻人的烦恼(必备)

When Spring Festival comes, it is the biggest day for Chinese people, because all the families get union and spend the time together. It is a happy day, while during these years, things have changed, more young people are facing the great pressure, because their relatives and parents will force them to have a girlfriend or boyfriend.


As more young people choose to get married at the late age or some of them haven’t found the suitable soul mates, so they are single when they go back home. Then the parents worry about their future and urge these young people to get married as soon as possible. The parents’ pressure annoys the young people, they want to get away from it, some even find the excuse to avoid getting home.


Now the time has changed, parents should see about it. Young people chase for freedom and they want to find the right one, not just marry for having birth of the next generation. If parents give less pressure, then their children will live the happy life. That’s enough for the young people.


大学生英语作文:给大学生开设心理课 Open a Psychological Lesson to College Students

The general age of college students are between 18 to 25 year. From the psychological point of view, it’s in the medium of youth. Some people say that the college students are adults that they handle well with psychological problems. However, the rest argue that college students are not so mature when faced with psychological problems. I agree to the latter and i think it’s necessary to open a psychological lesson to the college students because of the following reasons.


Firstly, in recent years, there are more and more college students drop out from school due to psychological problems. Growing suicides, homicides and other unusual serious incidents are reported from time to time. Now, the social attention to college students’ mental health has reached to climax. Secondly, college students are in a perplexed and contradictory age. On the one hand, they have to study in school to enrich themselves and to get a diploma. On the other hand, they think they are mature to live an independent life, but most of them still depend on their parents. In addition, study challenge, employment pressure and life stress could produce psychological problems.


To sum up, college students are adults but they are still faced with many pressures causing psychological problems that they can not deal with. Therefore, it’s very necessary to open a psychological lesson to college students, helping them get through this period smoothly.


精彩文章Learn Something from Each Course 从每节课中学习

Skipping class is very common on college. Some students skip classes because they think that some courses are boring and useless. However, in my opinion, there are always something value in each course we can learn.


For one thing, each course has its knowledge we need to learn. And knowledge between different courses is usually connected with each other. If we skip a class, we will find it difficult to connect knowledge together. For another, we can learn something from the teacher of each course. Each teacher has his or her characteristics and holds different view towards matters. Through attending classes of different teachers, we can not only broaden our horizon but also draw lessons from various methods of thinking and find out different ways to solve problems. In addition, we can learn something from our classmates. Those students who have never skipped one class but keep patient and concentrated on course are worthy of our respect and study.


In short, we can always learn something value from each course. Therefore, I suggest that we should attend each course as possible as we can instead of using different excuses to skip classes.


作文推荐 The Lesson About School Massacre 校园惨案的思考

About ten years ago, a student in California shot many students at school; it is world famous gunshot event at school. A year ago, a postgraduate in Chinese campus poisoned his roommate, all these events are astonishing, the criminals are students, and they should have enjoyed their lives at this age. The school massacres bring people thinking.


In the 21st century, the world has been happened many events; economy develops fast, while many disasters happened. Gun shot in school is a big problem in America, it happens now and then, in China, there are also school tragedies. The most famous is the poison case。In 1994, a female student in Tsinghua got poisoned and became mental retardation, a year ago, the same case happened in Fudan University, a postgraduate was poisoned by his roommate; his roommate killed him because of the trivial things. All the school tragedies remind people to care about students’ mental health.


Students are the future of the country, what they do matters so much. The school massacres reflect the problem in fostering students. The education should not only pay attention to their study, but also their mental health. Most students get mental problem, it needs to be fix in time, once some students get extreme thoughts, they will do bad things. As parents, they should not put much pressure on kids.


The school tragedies make people pay attention to kids’ attitude towards life, the improvement of the situation needs the society and parents’ effort.







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