

作文推荐 The Criticism of Ads 广告的争议(收藏)

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We have access to ads everywhere. They are showing in TV, in streets and in shops. Customers are easy to get brainwashed and have strong desire to buy products. But it is known to all that ads are over exaggerating the function and mislead customers, which is criticized by the public.


In the ads, pretty faces and skinny bodies can always attract customers' attention. These ads try to show the public that if they buy these products, they can look as beautiful as these attractive models. Nothing is impossible if they buy these products. Customers are willing to spend money, but when they find they are still the same after using these products, they feel being cheated.


The horrible thing for the ads is the value they try to implant to people's mind. The ads show the standard of a beauty is to have skinny body. So most young girls refuse to eat food and want to keep as thin as the models. But the fact is that these models' are in ill health. So we can't lose our mind when we see the ads.



作文推荐 明星代言广告问题 Celebrity Endorsement ads problem【推荐】

Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Celebrities as the products’ spokesmen?You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:




Celebrities as the products’ spokesmen.In the contemporary society, it is very common for celebrities, or the so-called superstars, to be spokesmen or representatives for a wide variety of products. Celebrities’ advertisements can be easily found on the Internet, televisions, newspapers, magazines and even on the walls of some buildings.


There are, however, some problems for celebrities and the consumers. To begin with, before representing, a star may know nothing about the product. Thus, consumers may be misled. Even worse, for the sake of money, some stars advertise for items with low quality, even for fake commodities. In the case of Sanlu, the public image of stars involved was spoiled. Last but not least, the high income of advertising does not deserve their labor, which widens the gap between the poor and the rich.


From my point of view, it is high time that measures were taken to eliminate the demerits. Firstly, laws should be worked out to regulate celebrities’ advertising. Secondly, stars should be required to tell the truth to the public. Only by doing so can stars be trusted by their fans and can consumers benefit.


大学生作文分享 The Advantage and Disadvantage of Advertisement 广告的利弊(收藏)

With the development of informatization, people have more and more chances to choose the commodities they like. But the more goods exist, the more confusion people feel in choosing one. Therefore, advertisement stands out to take the responsibility for people to choose the products they prefer. But advertising has advantages and disadvantages. Some people are in favor of it, while some are on the contrary. As for me, I’m in the neutral place.


On the one hand, advertisements help people have a better understanding about products. Advertisements always tell people the advantages and functions of the products. People can buy the things they want by reading advertisements. By the way, advertisements are free for consumers. Moreover, advertising is much more interesting than the instructions on the packaging box, because advertisements contain various factors, such as pictures, videos, voice plots and so on. Don’t you think it is a good way for choosing a product?


On the other hand, sometimes advertisements are tempting and deceptive. In order to attract the target customers, the advertiser will fill the content of decorating expressions, regardless of the filthy measures they have taken or the severe damages they may bring about. The advertisements always exaggerate the advantages and functions of the products. As a result, they mislead consumers to buy things that are not deserved.


To sum up, advertisements have the good side and the opposite side. If we just take them as a reference, it will be good. But if we depend on them to buy things, we may suffer losses in the end.


Should Ads Be Restricted? 广告应该受到限制吗?(必备)

Ads can be seen everywhere. The manufacturers spread the idea of the products to attract more people to purchase. Indeed, if the ads are well planned and catches the public’s attention, then naturally the products will be sold out. But the ads should be based on the original value.


Every ad tries to implant some idea to the customers. The value behind these ads need to be positive and lead people have the right attitude to life. But some ads exaggerate the faces and implant wrong ideas to the public. For example, the medicine about lose weight. The ads show to the public that only skinny girls can be beautiful and attract the boy’s attention. This is really the wrong idea to show beauty, especially for the teenagers. They are young and are easy to be misled by these terrible ideas.


Those ads should be restricted, if they contain the wrong idea or show the improper pictures, such as violence, which brings negative information to the teenagers. The good ads should spread positive sides to the public and lead people treat life right.


作文推荐 人脑和电脑的不同(考研英语作文)(收藏)


The Difference between a Brain and a Computer

he difference between a brain and a computer can be expressed in a single word: complexity.

Even the most complicated computer man has yet built can't compare in intricacy with the brain. Computer switches and comportents number in the thousands rather than in the billions.What's more, the computer switch is just an on-off device,whereas the brain cell is itself possessed of a tremendously complex inner structure.

Can a computer think? That depends on what you mean by"think". If solving a mathematical problem is"thinking',then a computer can"think'and do so much faster than a man. Of course, most mathematical problems can be solved quite mechanically by repeating certain straightforward processes over and over again. Even the simple computers of today can be geared for that.

Surely, though, if a computer can be made complex enough, it can be as creative as we are. If it could be made as complex as a human brain, it could be the equivalent of a human brain and do whatever a human brain can do.

But how long will it take to build a computer complex enough to duplicate the human brain? Perhaps not as long as some think. Long before we approach a computer as complex as our brain, we will perhaps build a computer that is at least complex enough to design another computer more complex than itself. This more complex computer could design one still more complex and so on and so on and so on.

In other words, once we pass a certain critical point, the computers take over and there is a"complexity explosion". In a very short time thereafter, computers may exist that not only duplicate the human brain--but far surpass it.

作文推荐 The Attractive Girl 有魅力的女孩(收藏)

The standard of beauty in Chinais believed to be the person who has the white skin and big eyes, because people are affected by the commercial ads. So many girls dress well and buy a lot of cosmetics to make them look beautiful and attractive. I have seen so many beautiful girls but only the one who is funny that can attract my attention.


The charm of a person is not from appearance, but from inside. I met a person when I joined my friend’s party. The girl was playing cards, whileother girls played tricks and made the boys feel embarrassed. Then the girl laughed and put her cards on the table and asked to play other games as it was so boring. What she did made the boys set free from the awkward situation. I admired her so much and made friends with her. Later I found that her life was so excellent. Though she did not make up often, she dressed neatly, and her room was tidy. When I asked her question about the brands, she could offer me some advice. Bur she never showed off it.


The girl was full of charm to me, and I learned a lot from her.


作文推荐 The Environment of Growing Up 成长的环境(收藏)

Children’s education has been concerned by the public all the time. As they are the future and will decide a country’s destiny, so the environment matters so much to them. Most parents expect the school can provide the children a good learning environment and ignore the importance of home education.


School provides the children a direct stage to receive education. In the school, the teachers pass knowledge and educate them the right value. The children know their task and as everybody around them focus the attention on study, so they are affected by each other and have the strong desire to learn.


Home education is easy to be ignored by most parents, they think it is the teachers’ duty to educate children. Actually, most criminal teenagers have family issues. Parents haven’t set good example for the kids. Sometimes they are even the trouble makers. Without love, teenagers won’t grow up as the strong people.


Both school and family environment are important for the children, and they need to be nurtured with the good examples and learn knowledge.


作文推荐 Warm 温暖(收藏)

The world is beautiful, not only because of the beautiful scenery, but also of the warm stories that happen among people. It is love, which is the forever theme for human being that makes us to live in a harmonious environment. We appreciate the love theme and feel moved by the warm acts.


Many years ago, the news reported a woman donated a lot of money to the school every year and she did not use her real name. Her acts were moved so many people and everybody wanted to know her name, but she refused the media’s interview. Today, when people talk about her, they used her code name and they praise a nice person by using this name.


There are so many small warm acts around us, such as taking care of the old people, or protecting the environment. Love is inherited from generation to generation, which makes the world better. Nowadays, when a poor people get badly sick, they can college the money from the Internet. With the help of the public, they can get better treatment.


The warm acts dominate the main role and we see the positive power.


大学生作文分享 广告的力量The Power of Advertisements

The Power of Advertisements


Every day, it is easy to see advertisements all around us. Look around. How many different advertisements can you see?


Often products show the name of the company that made them. This is a popular form of adver-

rising. The special picture or symbol, i.e. logo, appears on many different products. When you see a logo, it is hard to forget that product or company.


Many people buy a product because it is made by a certain company. In fact, some people only buy a product of a famous company. They think it proves that they are fashionable and have good taste.


It is common to find advertisements on TV or radio. Most advertisements are very short for people to remember. Nike,for example, has a simple slogan used all around the world:"Just do it". Advertisements often use funny situations as well. It is easy to remember an entertaining ad.

广告通常出现在电视或收音机里。大多数广告都很短小便于人们记忆。例如,耐克就有一个简单却世界闻名的标语:“Just do it”(只管去做)。广告中常常利用一些有趣的情景。通常娱乐广告就很容易记忆。

All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product. An advertisement for a soft drink, for example,might show a group of trendy young people who are having fun. The young people are all drinking the soft drink. Adverrisers are saying to you, "Why don't you buy it and be like these people? You can be young, modern and trendy, too."


You might think that advertisements do not affect you, but the next time you buy a soft drink, ask yourself: Why am I buying this particular product







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