

英语范文:新型批改作文方式 New Homework Correcting Style

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Nowadays, a new style homework correctingappears in school which has become a hot point under discussion. We usually geta mark tick for right answer and get a cross for wrong, but things has beenchanged, educator use “o” for “x”, which makes the correcting more gentle. Asto this new type correcting, there is no consensus agreement among people.


Peoplewho agree with this new style homework correcting hold the views that oureducational method should be gentle. The child’s mind is not mature enough,teachers should choose a more acceptable way when they are correcting student’shomework. Such as an “o” is softer than an “x”. Because in our mind, “x”represent absolutely wrong, on contrary, an “o” means “you should think twice,there is a better answer waiting for you to find out”. It could lead on astudent to correct his answer without hurting his feels.


However,some people think that if we always use a gentle way to teach students, howcould we develop the student’s ability to face the error and frustration. Thereis a reason for educator use “x” for wrong answer, students should have thecourage to face the error that they made, and they should remember why they doit wrong.


Weighingup these two arguments, I prefer the former one. I think once student hasaccepted their error, they will voluntarily to correct. Otherwise, students seean “x” and their defensive mechanisms automatically come up.



精彩英语作文:The Way to Travel 旅游的方式

Nowadays, travel has been a popular way for people to take relax. Especially in the official holiday, thousands of people plan their trips and the hot tourist sites are full of people. Even though it is crowded, people are still passionate about the trips. Some people choose to group travel, while others choose to independent travel. Both are good choices.

如今,旅游一直是深受人们喜爱的一种放松方式。特别是在法定假期 My Holiday'>假日,成千上万的人计划着他们的行程,热门的旅游景点都挤满了人。虽然拥挤,但是他们仍然热爱旅行。有些人选择跟团旅游,有些人选择自助旅游。都是不错的选择。

There is no doubt that group travel can save energy and time. People just need to hand in money, then everything will be arranged. It is so convenient and they don’t need to worry about anything. It is very suitable for the old people and staffs, because they don’t have much energy and time to make plans.


While today independent travel is more favored by the young people. They enjoy the freedom and want to appreciate the local features. They can go to any place they want and don’t need to be limited by the time. They can change their schedule if they want to see other tourist sites.


Group travel is somehow limited on all sides, so independent is more favorable. If we have time, the latter choice is perfect.


优秀英语作文 The Ways to Relax 放松的方式(参考)

I will have some annoyance, it is about my study and some pressure from life. When I face the annoyance, I will be very upset and need to let it out. I have my own ways to relax, then I will be full of energy and be happy again.


The important way for me to relax is to watch movie with my friends. I like to see movie very much, when I see the movie, I will be immerged myself in the movie world. It looks like I am part of the story and I witness all the things happens. It is such amazing for me and I love this feeling, so I will forget about all the annoyance.


The other way for me to relax is to listen to the music. Music makes me feel easy, every time when I listen to the music, I will wear the microphone and sing with the song. Sometimes I will imagine myself in the video and dance. It sounds crazy but I feel cool.


My ways to relax help me get out of the unhappiness, I think it works for most people.


优秀英语作文 The Healthy Lifestyle 健康的生活方式(必备)

Nowadays, with the development of technology, many young people stay indoors and play computer all the time. Especially for those who stay up very late or go out to play for fun until midnight, then they wake up at noon the next day. This is the unhealthy lifestyle, and they need to make some changes.


First, having regular break time and enough sleep is the basic way to keep healthy. Some young people hang out for fun after work. They need to release their pressure and have fun with their friends. They go home very late and then next day get up, preparing to work. In the long run, they not only have low efficiency, but also damage their bodies.


Second, keep the balanced diet. Most people are picky about food. They only choose the food they like and lose the balance of nutrition. For most kids, they like to have meat and refuse of the vegetables and fruit. It is not good for the growth of their bodies.


The healthy lifestyle helps people live the harmonious life. Besides having enough sleep and keeping balance diet, taking exercise is also in need.


精彩英语作文:Different Means of Travelling 旅游方式【推荐】

It's so convenient and interesting to join a tourist group. When you travel with a tourist group, you don’t need to book plane and train tickets, and you don't have to care about where to live and what to eat either, because the travel agency will arrange everything for you. All you need to do is to follow the tour guides. They will take you to all the places of interest. They will tell you stories about the interesting places and help you to learn local culture. This is called a package tour.


A cruise trip is so comfortable and relaxing. You travel on a large sea cruiser and enjoy the beautiful scenery. When you come up to a nice place, you can get off the cruiser and visit there. When you are on board, you can lie on the deck, watching the blue sky, the white cloud and the bright sun, and you will be free from stress. Besides, there are so many nice activities on the cruise. For example, you can watch movies; you can see concerts; you can go swimming in the swimming pool; you can play cards; you can play golf; you can watch wonderful performances; and you can also attend dancing parties. Nothing could be more wonderful and relaxing.


Nowadays, backpacking tour has become so popular. It's not just a low-cost travel for budget travelers, but also a nice entertainment. When you have a backpacking tour, you can use public transportations like buses and subways and stay in hostels instead of big hotels, which can save you a lot of money. Today, this kind of travel is especially popular with young people, because they can discover the interesting places and know more about the local cultures by themselves. It's so exciting.


If you want to have a better understanding of a place, you can have a slow travel. When you have a slow travel, you had better spend at least one week living in one place, stay with a local family and visit interesting sites near your living instead of rushing around for a long day to see the must-sees. In this way, you can make more local friends, taste local food, and know the local traditions and customs deeper. Only so can you become more knowledgeable and widen your experience.


It depends on your need to choose the way you want to travel.


英语范文:迎接新挑战 Embracing New Challenges

People always talk about age, because age reflects their state of mind, which is something universal despite different family, social or cultural backgrounds. The age of 21 is a sensitive time, people at that age will face the turning point, they meet new challenges.


In western country, 21 is the age at which young people traditionally receive a key to their parents’ door, as a symbol of entering adulthood. People at the age of 21 will ask themselves that where should they go in the future. For college students, they are thrilled at the prospect of starting their careers within a year. While as the global recession gets intense, some have to scale down their ambitions. They will realize that being realistic, instead of frustrated, is the solution.


The age of 21 is also a time to step out of your comfort zone, it is a time to explore the outside world, when you are ready to do so. You have been protected by your family all the time, you should embrace new challenges bravely, get out of the protecting zone, ready to open the new chapter of your life.


When people come to the age of 21, it means they are adults, they should take responsibility of themselves, to be fearless and embrace new challenges.


优秀英语作文 The New Apartment of Our Own我家的新居(收藏)

Last week we moved into our new apartment.There are two bedrooms,a study,a living-room,a kitchen and a toilet.Father has a study at last,and I have my own room now though I usually stay at college and only come back home at weekends.My father is a writer and my mother is a teacher of English at a secondary school.I am a junior at college.Some ten years ago we never dreamed of buying a new apartment,for it was simply incredible.

The bedrooms and the living-room are not large but cozy.Almost everything is new except the TV set,the refrigerator and those books of my father's.At first it seemed to me that there were too many doors.Once or twice I pulled the wrong door when I wanted to go out.I am still strange to our new apartment and it appears to me that it is quite a distance from my room to the kitchen or toilet--what an amusing feeling!

Our old home was a one-story house with two rooms,one of which was the bedroom of my parents as well as the study of my father,the other was my bedroom as well as our dining-room.There was a small lean-to which served as the kitchen.Now all the shaky old one-story houses in that neigh-bourhood have been pulled down and new bulidings will be put up there.

It is evident that our city is changing and people's life is changing.

英语范文:Buddha-Like Style 佛系风格

Buddha-like style is discussed by the public everywhere. The young people show their Buddha-like situation to show their peaceful mood about trouble. They think they don’t care about anything and have little desire to win or to achieve. But the fact is that they are running away from their problems.


Buddha-like style is bragged by the young generation, and they describe it as the right attitude to life. While the fact is not. It is a negative attitude to life. They give up fighting and find a way to comfort themselves. The real Buddhism is to let go of the unhappiness which hinders us to move on, instead of giving up everything. The young generation totally mix the Buddha-like and Buddhism.


When we meet troubles, we need to face them instead of avoiding them. The way to head for better life is to make breakthrough. Buddha-like style is just the excuse for being negative about life. If we want success, then just conquer the fear and escape is not the solution. When we let go of unhappiness, then life will be amazing.







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