

作文推荐 假文凭 Fake Diplomas(必备)

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In our society, the use of fake diplomas has been a serious problem and causes a lot of trouble and loss in many aspects. So what should we do to eliminate this phenomenon?


We can never ignore the bad influence that fake diplomas bring to us. For one thing, it intensifies the unfairness in our society in that those who use fake diplomas to occupy the seats that should belong to those who have enough qualification and ability. For another, in most cases, those who use fake diplomas are not qualified for their jobs and that will bring a large amount loss for the companies or constitutions they work for. In addition, it will put a premium on cheating.


Therefore, effective action should be taken to eliminate fake diplomas right away. In my opinion, our relevant departments should control strictly in conferring diplomas. Moreover, those who use fake diplomas should be punished seriously and announced in public. To put it in a nutshell, we should spare no effort to eliminate fake diplomas.



My View on Fake Diploma(一) 假文凭之我见(一)【推荐】

With development of the society, the competition is more and more fierce. In order to be the back sheep in the competition, there are large number people use fake diplomas to fight for it. Different people have different opinions towards this phenomenon. Some think it is advisable, because of the fierce competition. But some consider it is not right from several sides. Of course, I am one of the latter groups. My reasons are as follows.


First of all, using fake diploma will bring negative influence. Living in this world, no one is isolate. Besides, change according to changing circumstances and fluke mind exists in the majority of people. If there are a few of people get success or profit by fake diploma, there will be another crowd of people want to have a try. Can you imagine what the world will be if it is full of fakeness. Is any possible that trust still exists? At that time, how serious the consequence would be.


Secondly, it is not fair for the people who get the true diploma. Two people in the same position, but one of their diplomas is faked. Do you think what the other one will think? He must feel unfair. Even it will affect the relationship between them, or have negative emotion on his mind.


Last but not least, it will do harm to the people themselves. If they succeed in using fake diploma this time, they do other similar things next time. As a result, they will become dishonest at last and will be punished one day.


To sum up, fake diploma is not advisable. People should figure out some measures to ban this phenomenon. It will be good for everyone.


大学生英语作文:我看假冒伪劣商品 My View on Fake Commodities(必备)

Fake commodities can be found, now and then, in the market, which has aroused a lot of public attention. It is reported that these commodities range from foodstuff, clothes to radios, and TV sets and even medicines. Fake commodities are harmful in many ways. To begin with, they bring about great loss in both properties and lives. For instance, if someone buys some fake medicines, it may not cure him of his illness, on the contrary, it may probably make his illness worse or even put an end to his life. Besides, fake commodities may impair the profit of the manufactures who produce the real products by making the consumers suspicious of these products, thus causing social problems. There are many ways to get rid of fake commodities. First, laws should be enforced to punish those who produce these products. Second, people should be advised how to tell the genuine commodities from the fake ones. Moreover, people should not buy things just because they are cheap and attractively advertised. Furthermore, they should be encouraged to report to the relevant authorities in case they have bought a fake commodity. In a word, if the whole society work together to solve this problem, I think fake commodities will have nowhere to exist.


作文推荐 Fans Marketing 粉丝营销(必备)

With the development of Internet, the young generation rely on the Internet so much. They make friends and communicate with each other by the Internet. The fast way to get the information provides people the convenience to chase what they want. As a result, some crazy fans become a huge group to support their idols and this is believed to be fans marketing.


Recently, a popular male idol confirmed to be in a relationship with a girl. The fans became angry and made a lot of bad comments in two hours, then the Internet got congested immediately. Most girls were heart broken and they were so angry about this idol’s confession. They believed that they spent so much money on him and it was his duty to keep his single image.


Nowadays, the fans will be a huge group just in purpose of supporting their idols, such as buying albums or booking a whole cinema to gain the box office for their idols. No matter where the idols show, they will come to the scene in groups. The businessmen gain so much profit from fans marketing, which will be the important way to support the idols.


作文推荐 The Part Time Job 兼职(必备)

In the collage, I do the part time jobs onthe weekend and vacations.


The jobs I do are tutoring the middleschool students in a training center, doing the sales work in the shoppingmall, passing out the leaflets for the sales promotion and assisting a professorto prepare the physical lab.


The part time jobs are not only about themoney to me but also a good opportunity to be prepared for entering societyafter graduating for the collage.


The tutoring job requires a great patience.There are always more than 20 students come toward me and ask me differentquestions at the same time. I have to keep order in the class and answer theirquestion one by one. This really helps me to be an organized person and buildup my grave and dignified bearing. I think I can handle anychaos in the school if I am willing to be a teacher as my career.


The sales and passing out leaflet worktrains me not be coy to the stranger. I have to be very extroverted and activeto have this job done well. Now I am more confident, and no longer be afraid ina strange environment.


And the assisting job allows me to havemore time with my teacher the professor. He is really nice to me and sometimesgive me an extra lesson at spare time. He gives me a lot guidance in the studyand work, I appreciate it very much.


There are many advantages of doing parttime jobs in collage. I will do better in the future since I have such greatexperiences of part time jobs in collage.


作文推荐 White Lie 善意的谎言(必备)

Everyone learning English knows what awhite lie means, but since it is a lie, it has always been a controversialtopic. A case in point is when a patient is suffering an incurable illness,should the doctor or the other people inform the patient of the truth?


People who against this insist that the patients should be informed thetrue information about their illness, so that they can make proper decisionaccording to their health. And the laws entitle people to know the truth whichconcerns themselves, so telling them a lie in fact invades their legal right.


Contrary to the above belief, some people hold that a white lie is tacceptable. They worry about that if the patient was told the true about theircondition, it will risks destroying their hope, which will make the situationeven worse, they might refuse to receive treatment or commit suicide.Therefore, we should keep the true to ourselves.


Asfar as I’m concerned, whether people should tell a white lie or not depends onwhat kind of person the patient is. If the patient has a strong will to liveand has positive attitude, telling them the truth will be helpful to thetreatment. But if the patient is the opposite, we had better not do so. Toconclude, no matter the white lie is acceptable nor not, we should keep in mindthat the information should be conveyed in a humane way.


优秀英语作文 大学文凭是否必要?Is a college degree necessary in today's world?

Is a college degree necessary in today's world?


Because a 4-year college education requires a large commitment of time, effort, and money. Many high school graduates decide not to go to college. They enter the work force immediately, or decide to go to a vocational or trade school instead of college. Is a college degree really necessary these days? Despite the expense and delay in entering the work force, I strongly believe that a 4-year college education is necessary and desirable in today's world.


One major reason to go to college is that college provides necessary academic background for a career. During four or more years in college, students have time and resources to explore many different areas in the humanities人文学科, social sciences, science, and professional fields such as business and engineering, and to take a variety of academic courses that will provide important background for particular careers.


A second important argument for the value of college is that people with college degrees have better job opportunities and higher income level than people who have only a high school or vocational school education, so college means a better quality of life. Job opportunities and starting salaries are generally excellent for people with college degrees while the employment outlook may not be so cheerful for those with only a high school diploma.


Also, college tends to provide a labor force with a certain knowledge and skill, which is beneficial to the advancement of our society. Students who exercise their minds and develop strategies to deal with hard problems over four years of college are likely to graduate with many skills and strategies that can be transferred to dealing with tasks later in life, both on the job and in their personal life. This will surely contribute to the progress of the world.


In summary, there are many good arguments in support of the value of a 4-year college education. Moreover, the benefits far outweigh the problems and expense. I firmly believe that everyone who wants to have a bright future should go to college。


作文推荐 学习使用电脑Student Use of Computers(必备)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Student Use of Computers. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the chart and the outline given below:上图所示为1990年,1995年,2000年某校大学生使用计算机的情况,请描述其变化。1.请说明发生这些过程的原因(可从计算机的用途,价格或社会发展等方面加以说明);2.你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题?Student Use of Computers

This chart shows the increase of student use of computers from the year 1990 to 2000. As we can see, in 1990 the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week is 2. In 1995, however, the number doubles and in 2000, it soars to 20 hours per week.

There are many causes for this change. For one thing, computers can do a lor of things that may be difficult for man to do, making man's work easier. So, many people turn to computers for help when they want to have their job done. For another, computers are becoming cheaper day by day. As a result, many universities install them in large numbers and many families can afford to buy one, consequently, they are always available for the students to use. But the prime reason, I think, is that with the development of society, computers are used in ahnost all walks of life. Those who are specialized in operating computers are badly needed. If a student is good at computer, chances will be greater for him to get a job.

Many problems also arise in students use of computers. One problem is that some students spend too much time sitting in front of their computers, as a result, their bealth is affected. The other problem is that some students chat or play video games for a long time on computers, wasting a lot of their precious time. So it is suggested that these students make a scientific and positive use of the computers.

作文推荐 My view on English Learning 英语学习之我见(必备)

When it comes to English learning, people may start pouring out their woes about how it difficult to learn. Well, as an English major student, I think there are several ways we can do to improve our English skills and make it easier to learn. Some English learners believe that extensive reading is an important way to learn English. I really agree with that. For every English learner, extensive reading is a indispensable part to enhance their English. There are some of the advantages of reading:当提到学习英语时,人们就开始大倒苦水,抱怨英语是有多么的难学。好吧,作为一名英语专业的学生,我认为我们有几种方法可以使我们的英语水平提高,让其更容易学。一些英语学习者认为泛读是学习英语的重要方法。我同意这种看法。对于每个英语学习者来说,泛读是提高英语水平不可缺的一部分。关于阅读,有这些好处:First of all, reading on different kinds of topics can broaden our horizon. We can know about the things we don’t know before and learn about the cultural differences. To a large extend, we acquire our knowledge through reading. Second, reading English books or novel can avoid we speak “Chinglish”. We can know the way how the native English speakers express themselves. Third, reading is a good way to enlarge our vocabulary. If we encounter a new word in the book, we can refer to the dictionary, and then write it down on the notebook. What’s more, the more we read, the better our reading comprehension will be. It’s a very useful skill for English learner. Last but not least, reading can provide us with a lot of pleasure. We will not feel lonely if we read an interesting book.首先,阅读不同题材的文章可以扩宽我们的眼界。我们可以知道那些我们不曾了解的事物,并了解文化差异。从很大的程度上来说,我们通过阅读来获取知识。其二,阅读可以避免我们说“中式英语”。我们可以了解到地道的英语应该怎么样说。第三,阅读可以帮助我们扩展自己的词汇量。如果我们遇到一个新的单词,可以查阅字典,然后把新的单词抄在笔记本中。这对于英语学习者来说非常有用。最后,阅读可以提供给我们很多快乐。当我们阅读一本有趣的书时,就不会觉得孤独了。In a word, reading is a good way to improve our English skills. Try to read extensively, you’ll have a lot of benefit from it.一句话总结,阅读是提高我们英语学习能力的好方法。试着去广泛的阅读吧,你会从中收获很多的。

作文推荐 梅花香自苦寒来(必备)

Asit is shown in the picture: a girl is reading a book, and in front of her is aplum blossom defying frost and snow. This picture echoes an old Chinese poem: SharpEdge of a Sword Comes out from Grinding, and Plum Blossom's Fragrance Comesfrom the Bitter Cold.


Nomatter whether in ancient times or today, knowledge and patience are the mostpowerful weapons and mental strength for us. Only we possess enough knowledgeand patience can we face any difficulties bravely. Wang Xizhi was a famouscalligrapher in china. He practiced calligraphy all day long so he washed hisbrush frequently that the pool finally turned black. Therefore, his name iskept through the ages. As for me, I am preparing NETEM through a whole year andhave experienced so many hardships, but I believe that I will get success inthe end.


Inmy point of view, success needs enough patience, sufficient knowledge. Aboveall, we should know how to use patience to acquire knowledge. We will getsuccess when we do the things summing up above.







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