

优秀英语作文 植树节 The Tree-Planting Day

伴随着科技的发展,我们总是会需要用到许多范文,高质量的范文能得到更多人参考,好的范文是怎么样的?以下是由小编为你整理的《优秀英语作文 植树节 The Tree-Planting Day》,欢迎大家参考阅读。

When it comes to the tree-planting day, everybody knows it’s a day that call on people to plant more trees and stop cutting down trees blindly, but few people know the story behind tree-planting day. The tree-planting day was dedicated in the memory of Sun Yat-sen. Mr. Sun had always pay great attention to trees planting. In the year of 1914, he promulgated the first Forest Law in history. Then the government and the ordinary people started to plant trees in the spring. On March 12th, 1925, Mr. Sun passed away, in order to memorialize the great contribution he had make to our country, the government decided every year of this day is the tree-planting day.


In 2014, the slogan of tree-planting day is Embrace the spring, Sow the Green. Trees are so important to our planet. The naturalists compare the trees to human beings lungs. It’s true that trees take in the carbon dioxide and other toxic gas and give off oxygen which living beings lives on it. If trees were all cut down, the earth would be a disaster. First of it, the temperature will raising then the glaciers will melt. Thus the cities near the ocean will be flooded. Second, the trees are the habitat of many animals. When we cut down trees, we not only destroy animals’ habitats but also ourselves’. We just gradually destroy natural links. Last but not least, trees can prevent water loss and soil erosion; it’s the key to maintain the balance.


Trees are so important for living beings. Eighty nine years has passed by, we still marvelous at Mr. Sun’s foresight and wisdom that he knew planting trees and protect the environment is the foundation of developing a strong and wealthy country.





1、活动主题:我为乐山植片青年林低碳乐山 绿色家园





(2)低碳乐山 绿色家园

















活动时间:20xx年3月11日 上午9:0012:00



组 长:熊俊如 杨泽勇 林天兴 刘静 刘超

副组长:李东 刘艳萍 王延云 包天俊

成 员:龙海东 艾家林 谢洪涛 王义勇 杨宁 李攀 饶竹 廖娅

执行负责人:曹英巧 左佩 袁青 叶任明 吴杰 葛莹莹 李灵洁 王衡

陈建霖 吴远路 张晓兰 李秀丽 李理 陈光明















优秀英语作文 The Army Day 建军节

Since I went to school, I have received the education that the new China didn't come easy. There were thousands of soldiers fought for the country's future. They sacrificed their lives. When the first army was built, the future had been seen. So August 1st is The Army Day today, which is to honor the work of the great soldiers.


The school will organize students to watch movies about this uneasy history, or let the students go to the museum to learn about the knowledge. Some companies also organize some activities for the workers to keep the grateful heart. Indeed, our new life doesn't come easy. Thanks to the great soldiers, we can enjoy the happy life and peaceful environment.


Everybody can do small things to show the grateful hearts. For example, never throw away the rubbish and don't waste water. The small things we can do is to protect the environment and love our country. The most important thing is to study hard and make a contribution to the society some day. I believe that the better future of our country is the best way to show greatness.


优秀英语作文 Father's Day 父亲节

Father's Day is on the third Sunday of June. Everyone will express their love to fathers. In Chinese tradition, the role of father is always described as a quiet man. Though he doesn't talk much, the way he shows his love can be seen all the time. Father deserves the applause as mother.


Most people's impression about a father comes from a classic article they learned in primary school. The article described a traditional father sent his son to school at the station. When the boy saw his father's back, he felt so touched. The essay has been read by generations and they know a father’s way to show love.


Unlike the western countries, where people show love by kiss and hug, the children are educated to show their love openly, Chinese way to show love are much invisible. Many people feel hard to speak out the word love. For the young parents, they start to make some change. They express their emotion bravely. Love needs to be spoken out. We should let our parents to know we love them every day.


优秀英语作文 国际护士节 International Nurses' Day

The May 12th, is known as International nurses day, this day is set up in memory of Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale is the legend in the field of medicine. From 1854 to 1856, there was a war between Anglo-French allied force and Russia, many soldiers died in this world due to poor caring condition. As a nurse, Nightingale made up her mind to change this situation. She and others nurses paid more attention to the wounded nursing and nutrition. After half year of hard working, the death rate had dropped down to 2.2%, then the whole Europe known about this. In the year of 1860, she set up the first nurse school in England, and cultivated many excellent nurses. Because of her contribution, lots of patients recovered soon.


After Nightingale passed away, the International Council of Nurses decided that May 12th is the nurse day. Her spirit, love, patience, care and responsibility, has become the service principles of the whole world nurses. To be a nurse, is not only a job, but also a career. This year, the main theme of the nurse day is Nurses: Nurses: A Force for Change-A vital resource for health.


In my humble opinion, the whole society should respect the nurses and show our thanks to them. Because of them, the patients can recover sooner and better. Without them, this world can be different. I wish every nurse is healthy and happy.


Happy international Nurses’ Day!


优秀英语作文 World Reading Day 世界读书日(参考)

study has become a part of our life. We need to go to school since the age of six and most people stop studying when they graduate from college. For them, the purpose of study is to make money, so they don't feel the pleasure that reading brings. The value of reading shouldn't be measured by material.


In order to remind people of the importance of reading, April 23rd is named to be the World Reading Day. Nowadays, people live in the fast pace and they don't have time to read, so most of them give up studying when they begin their career. The persistence of reading needs a strong will. The wise person will never stop studying, because reading makes them clear their minds.


A lot of people believe that reading won't bring money, so they give up reading. Actually, the purpose of reading is to provide people a bigger world. The more they read, the more ways they can see things. Someday what you learn will return you. The value of reading brings great joy in our mind, which is priceless.


优秀英语作文 Chinese Doctors' Day 中国医师节(必备)

In 2017, the government had decided to name August 19th as the Chinese Doctors' Day, in the purpose of showing respect of the work of the doctors. Indeed, thanks to these doctors, most people get well treated and live the happy life. They save people's lives all the time, so they are called angels.


In 2003, people must remember the big disaster, a horrible virus call SARS attacked China and many people got killed. The world seemed to come to the end. At this moment, the doctors and nurses chose to fight again the virus. Some of them got infected and died, but they were not scared. The public saw the work of doctors and felt so moved. They were angels and saved so many lives.


Today, we still can see the positive news about doctors. It has been reported that a doctor insisted to do operation for more than 17 hours. After a short break, he continued to do his job. Though there are also some negative information about this career, the public believe that doctors are angels all the time.







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