

精彩英语作文:The Ways to Save Money 省钱的方法【精】

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For many young people, they don’t have the habit to save money, because they think they are young and should enjoy the life, so there is no need to save money. But saving part of the income can better help us to deal with emergent situations. Though it is hard to store income, we still can figure out some ways.


First, make meals at home as often as possible. According to the research, most young people spend a lot of money in eating in the restaurant. Because life pace is very fast and they get used to eating fast food. But if they buy food in the market and make meals at home, it will save a large amount of money. At the same time, they can also be much healthier.


Second, when you go out with your friends, you’d better pay separately. In China, some people feel proud to pay the bills for others when they are eating outside, because it shows their richness and power, which will receive respect from others. But now many young people have realized it is stupid to pay bills and they choose to go Dutch. What a wise choice.



大学生英语作文:Save Money or Spend Money? 存钱或者花钱?(参考)

For the old people, they like to save money, because they need money to keep the sense of security. Once the emergent situation happens, they will take out the money and solve the problem. While for the young people, they like to spend money to find fun, happiness comes first. I think it is better to combine both of them.


First, we need to save money. Once I was asked if worrying tomorrow was a good thing, now my answer is definitely yes. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, but we can save some money so that we can make better plans for tomorrow. If we meet the emergent situation in the future, money will be the best help.


Second, we also need to spent money. The money is not so easy for us to earn, we work so hard to make our living. So when we get the money, we will spend it and find the amusement. Life needs fun, we spend the money to improve our lives and enjoy life.


Saving money and spending money are both needed, we can find the balance between them and live the better life.


精彩英语作文:梦想的力量 The Power of Dream【精】

Asit is known to us, Ping An was chosen to perform on the CCTV Spring FestivalGala with his melodious and strong voice. Also, he had a great achievement onthis dream stage. Although hehadn'tgain the popularity among the audience atthe beginning, he always kept his dream in mind and never gave it up. It is hissuccess that brings home to me the power of dream.


Alife without a dream is a life without a sun. Therefore, in no circumstancescan we give up our dream. Unquestionably, dreams are of great importance. Forone thing, a person having a dream will be considered to be more responsibleand unswerving. For another, in pursuit of our dream, there is a chance thatgood habits and positive attitudes can be formed, contributing to our success.


Asfor our students, what we should do is to choose a healthy seed and plant it onfertilized soil. Firstly, knowledge is the foundation of dream realization, sowe should spend much time in study to enrich ourselves. Secondly, it also takesperseverance and confidence if we want to realize our dreams. Last but notleast, we should not be craven and timorous but brave when we meeting obstacles.


精彩英语作文:守时的好处 The Benefits of Punctuality【精】

Every time when it comes to meeting or dating, it is impossible for us to present in time all the time, because there will be some uNPRedictable situations happen, such as the traffic accident, our bodies feel bad suddenly and so on. However, being punctual is of great benefits, it can consolidate our relationship and improve work efficiency.


One of the benefits of being punctual is that we can keep strong relationship with others. Being in time reflects the person is responsible and considerate; we respect him, because he always arrives at the meeting at the right time. We will impress by him and are willing to make friends with him. On the contrary, if the person who is always late for meeting, he will delay everybody’s time, such person is not welcomed.


The other benefit of being punctual is that we can improve work efficiency. If we are told to finish the work in two days, but we are always finishing in 3 days, we will be kicked out. The one who finishes the job in time, he will have a better time-management skills, and these skills will enable him to finish the task in a systematic order.


Punctuality is very important when we are in a social communication, we will leave others the good impression, and what’s more, we can enjoy better relationship with others and have efficiency.


精彩英语作文:我的收获 My Harvest【精】

When I came to college, I felt so excited about the new chapter of my life. Now I will graduate soon. When I look back on the passed four years, I gain so much knowledge. I have become stronger and are ready to face the challenge of life.


The greatest harvest of my college life is that I learn the major knowledge and have the critical mind. The purpose of education is to help us to be a better person, such as making the right judgement and being independent. Now I can make my own decision and predict the result. I know what kind of responsibility I should take when I make my choice. It is an important sign of being an adult.


What's more, during four years, I have made many good friends, who share the same interest. The strong friendship makes us like brothers and sisters. I think no matter where we go, we will keep in touch and help each other. They have been importance part of my life. With their help, I get over many problems and grow up.


My college life will be over soon, but I gain so much precious experience, which will help me succeed.


作文推荐 改善学习习惯的方法 Ways to Improve Your Study Habits

Most students may want to be a top student.Even if they usually get poor scores, they may still want to get a betterscore. In fact, most university students are very intelligent. The key toperform well in university lies in improvement of their study habits.


First of all, you need to make a plancarefully. Many people complain that they can not find time to reading books ordo something that should do, and some students even say that they have so manythings to do but they find out the time isn't enough. In fact, that is becausethey don't make a good plan to organize their time wisely. They should make alist of the important things and then make a good schedule for their time: whendo the most important tasks, when do the sports, when have a rest and so on.


Secondly, you should find a suitable placefor study. Even though students can find many places for study, a quiet andbright place like a classroom or a library is preferable. Some studentsconsider their dormitory is also a good place. This is a wrong thought, becauseyour roommates may represent much interference.


Lastly, you need to have some tests. Whenyou have carry out your study plan for a period of time, you need to find timeto take a test. Have a test can be a good method to check your improvement orweakness in study. Then you can make better plan to get a further progress.


All in all, if you can make a nice plan,find a proper place to concentrate on your study, and make a good use of testsin time, you will certainly hold many chances to become a better student.


作文推荐 Is It Necessary to Save Money for The Future? 有必要存钱吗?

There is a popular saying, “money is not almighty, but without it you can do nothing.” Money is necessary in our life. Some people treasure it very much, so they save it. However, some people think it is important just because it can bring lots of benefit for them, so they use up their money to exchange what they want. Which living style is better? Do you think it is necessary for us to save money for the future? In my opinion, saving money is necessary. Reasons are as follow.


First of all, saving money is helpful to deal with the unexpected things happen in the future. The future is unknown. We are not sure that we won’t meet any unexpected things, which need money to solve in the future. If we have save some money in our daily life, we can deal with such kind of problem easily when they are happen, instead of worrying and doing nothing. What’s more, sometimes saving money can bring you happiness. When you have save some money, you can make some surprise for your life or improve your life quality. Even you can use your saving money to help other people who are in need. You will be happy from such kind of things.


In a word, it is better to save money properly than not. Sometimes your life will be different with the saving money. Save happiness for yourself!


精彩英语作文:母亲的唠叨Mother's Chatter【精】

Thereis no doubt that mother is so great, she is the one who gives us life and takescare of us all the time. Most mothers master the housework, in the long run,they get use to tell their kids things in a garrulous way. This is what kids’annoyance, they are not patient to hear what their mothers say, while mother’schatter is a sign of love.


mother’sbabbling about the things seems to be every mother’s nature. When you asksomeone how the mother talks to him or she, you will get the common answer,that is the mother keeps talking in the unfinished way, the children are soimpatient to hear what their mothers say. As for me, when my mother starts to askme to notice some safe problems, I don’t want to hear it, because she has toldme many times before.


Whilethough mother talks in a way that most children don’t like, the mother doesthis because of love. Every mother loves their children so much, they just wantto make sure their children be safe and sound. The children should try tounderstand their mothers, listen to them all the time, or least act like amature guy, then they will be less babbling to you.


优秀英语作文 The Ways to Relax 放松的方式(参考)

I will have some annoyance, it is about my study and some pressure from life. When I face the annoyance, I will be very upset and need to let it out. I have my own ways to relax, then I will be full of energy and be happy again.


The important way for me to relax is to watch movie with my friends. I like to see movie very much, when I see the movie, I will be immerged myself in the movie world. It looks like I am part of the story and I witness all the things happens. It is such amazing for me and I love this feeling, so I will forget about all the annoyance.


The other way for me to relax is to listen to the music. Music makes me feel easy, every time when I listen to the music, I will wear the microphone and sing with the song. Sometimes I will imagine myself in the video and dance. It sounds crazy but I feel cool.


My ways to relax help me get out of the unhappiness, I think it works for most people.


精彩英语作文:The Enlightenment From Stephen Hawking 霍金的启示【精】

Stephen Hawking is famous all around the word, I get to know him when I was in high school, I learned him from the English book. Though Hawking is disabled at the early age, he never gives up and continues to woke on his job, finally he becomes the great man. Hawking’s story inspires so many people, his spirit gives people the enlightenment.


As the movie The Theory of Everything is put into the screen, Stephen Hawking comes to people’s eyesight again. The movie is about Hawking’s life from college to his present life, his love story with his first wife is the main line of the story. Hawking’s wife companied with him after knowing his disease, Hawking’s great success owes partly to his wife’s caring.


Besides the support from family, Hawking’s spirit of never giving up makes him success. After knowing the horrible disease, he chose to face it and struggle with it, he continued to keep his study, finally he makes different and becomes the great man.


Hawking’s story is so inspiring, his legend is still going on. The enlightenment he gives to people is very precious.







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