

大学生作文分享 Water-splashing Festival 泼水节

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Water-splashing Festival is one of the most important festivals in the world, which is popular among Dai people of China and the southeast Asia. It has been celebrated by people for more than 700 years and now this festival is an necessary way for people to promote the cooperation and communication among countries.


Water-splashing Festival is celebrated during April. It always lasts for three to seven days. People will pour the clean water to each other, which means to wash away the unhappiness and the bad luck during the last year, so the good things will be around. The more water people get, the more luck they will get in the coming year. So though people scream, they feel the great joy.


This festival is popular in Thailand and Dai people of China, who share the same meaning of this big day. The common festival promotes the communication between countries. The State Council has preserved this festival as the intangible cultural heritage, which attache the importance to the variety of traditional culture.



大学生作文分享 The Spring Festival 春节【精】

When you ask the people around you, what isthe most important festival in China, I guess 99% of the people will say thesame answer, the Spring Festival. There is an old story about Spring Festival.It is said that the monster, named Nian, will attack people from time to time.In order to drive it away, people have to light up firecrackers and put someRed paper on the front door and window at the last day of the Chinese year.Luckily, the monster, Nian, is afraid of the sound of the firecrackers and thecolor red; dare not to come any more. In order to memorialize this day, ourancestors decided that the first lunar calendar day of the Chinese Year is theSpring Festival.


During the Spring Festival, all the memberof the family will get together on the eve to have a big dinner. Fish, apple,noodle, dumplings, poke, chicken, candies and so on are indispensable on thetable. Fish stands for wealth and rich of the coming year, apple stands fordoing things smoothly, noodle stands for good health and long live, as to theothers, they all symbolize for the lucky and happiness of the coming year.


Children are the happiest ones during theSpring Festival, not only they can have lots of companies but also they canhave lucky money on the festival. With the lucky money, they can do whateverthey want, such as to set off the firecrackers, wear new clothes, use theirlucky money to buy the things they want; this is the best part of the SpringFestival, isn’t it?


The Spring Festival is not only means thebeginning of the brand-new year, but also carrying the best wish of thepeople’s. We are hoping in the New Year our wish will come true, our life willbecome better. Anyway, the most meaningful thing of the Spring Festival is thatwe spend the time with the family, the people we love and we know that’s allabout.


作文推荐 清明节 The Qingming Festival(收藏)

The Qingming (Pure Brightness) Festival is one of the 24 solar terms in China, falling on April 4-6 each year. After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increase. It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing. In the past, the Qingming Festival was called “Arbor Day”, but since 1979, “Arbor Day” was settled on March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar.


But the Qingming Festival is not only a solar term to guide farm work, it is more a festival of commemoration. It sees a combination of sadness and happiness. This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who come to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices, but the customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers, then burn incense and ghost money. In short, it’s a time to cherish the memory of our ancestors and show our respect to them. Also, it’s a time for family gathering.


大学生英语作文:春节 Spring Festival【精】

SpringFestival, also called the Chinese New Year is the biggest festival in ourcountry. It comes between late January and the middle of February. EveryChinese enjoys this festival very much.


DuringSpring Festival, we have seven days off. We usually get together with ourfamilies on New Year’s Eve. We have so many delicious dishes, such as chicken,duck, fish, meat and so on. But we consider fish as our major dish, sincehaving fish represents a wish that we will be prosperous in the next year.However, people in the north often eat dumplings. It means to ring out the oldand usher in the new year. After supper, we always watch TV programs, theSpring Festival Gala is the tradition. Or we also play fireworks outside. Onthe first New Year's Day, we always pay New Year’s visit to our relatives andfriends, so as to exchange our best regards with each other.


Bythe way, I think the children are the happiest ones, because they can weartheir new clothes and receive a lot of red envelopes.


How I wish every day is Spring Festival.


大学生英语作文:Valentine’s Day or the Lantern Festival? 过情人节还是元宵节

Usually, the Valentine’s Day has no connection with the traditional Chinese festival, but this year, the Lantern festival falls on the same day with the lovers’ day. Well, some young will face a dilemma,especially for those who doesn’t get married. Should they spend the day with their families or their hot lovers? That’s a question. I’ve got a key that can solve this problem. 通常来说,情人节不会和中国的传统节日有什么联系。但是今年,情人节和元宵节居然在同一天。一些年轻人就面临着进退两难的决定,特别是那些还没结婚的恋人。他们到底是应该花时间陪男/女朋友呢,还是和家人一起过元宵节呢?这真是个问题。我有个解决这个问题的办法。 Family comes first of course. You should wake up a little earlier in the morning, and help your mother in the kitchen. On the Lantern Festival, making rice balls and dumplings are the traditional activities. Having a reunion dinner with the whole family is also very important, so you need to show up and stay with your family for the whole morning. Spend some time with your family. Keep them company and make them happy. In the afternoon, there are maybe not so busy, you can plan for the Valentine’s Day with your girlfriend or boyfriend, you can have some snacks in 4p.m, and tell your parents you will hang out with your friends at night and not having supper at home tonight. They would be understood. Then you can take your girlfriend or boyfriend to a nice restaurant and see the latest movie after dinner. Do not forget to present the gift you prepare for your lover. Make your lover happy, too. 家庭当然放在第一位了。在元宵节那天,你应该起得比平时稍微早一点,然后去厨房帮忙。在元宵节的那天,做汤圆和包饺子是一项传统的活动。和大家庭一起吃顿团圆饭也非常重要,所以不能缺席。所以,一个早上的时间,你都得留在家里面陪伴家人,让他们开心。到了下午,也许就没那么忙碌了。你就可以计划今晚怎么和你的男朋友或是女朋友过情人节了。在4点左右随便吃点东西,然后告诉父母今晚要和朋友出去玩,不在家吃晚饭了,他们会理解的。然后你就可以带着你的女朋友或者男朋友一家好点的餐厅吃饭,然后去看最新上映的电影。别忘了给他/她你精心准备的礼物,让他/她开心。 I think everybody should find a balance between family love and lover’s love. If I can only choose one, I will choose family love over the other. Because I know my family never leaves me and my parents are aging. How many days can I still be with them? So I really appreciate the days that I can still be with them. I know you will do the same just like me. 我想每个人都应该在亲情和爱情之间找到平衡点。如果非要我选择一个,那我选择亲情而不是爱情。因为我知道家庭永远不会离我而去,而我的父母却在慢慢的老去。我还能陪伴他们多少天呢?所以我格外珍惜和父母在一起的日子。我知道,你也是。

Lantern Festival 元宵节

New Year is the biggest festival for Chinese people. After about half a month, there is a traditional festival, it is the Lantern Festival, which is also important. The first round moon day in the New Year is special. People continue to celebrate the New Year and enjoy the time with their families.


The coming of Lantern Festival is various. Some people said that it is related with Buddha. When the Buddhas meditated, they need light in front of them, so the light can drive away monster for people. Today, in some areas, people light up lanterns to beg for a son from god. No matter what the story is, the traditional festival is favored by people and the government pays special attention to remind this tradition.


There are many activities on Lantern Festival, and the most traditional game is the riddle. People can read some riddles that are written in the lanterns. They can get prizes if they know the answers. I love riddle so much, because when I figure out the answers, I will be very proud of myself, at the same time, I can learn some funny knowledge.


精彩英语作文:Dragon Boat Festival 端午节【推荐】

Dragon Boat Festival is one the very classic traditional festivals, which has been celebrated since the old China. Firstly, it is to in honor of the great poet Qu Yuan, who jumped into the water and ended his life for loving the country. Nowadays, different places have different ways to celebrate.


In my hometown, there will be a traditional competition, that is the dragon boat race. People make up the team and fight for the honor. Every boat looks like the dragon and it is the most obvious feature. A lot of people will come to visit or watch the match. Then the game begins. The audience will cheer for the teams and the competitors try their best to make the boat go fast. It is very lively.

在家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡,会有一场传统的龙舟比赛。人们组成不同的团队,为荣誉而战。每条船看起来都像是一条龙,这是最明显的特征。许多人会来参观或观看比赛。然后比赛开始厚,观众就会为队伍加油,选手们尽最大努力让船快点开。气氛非常热闹。

Besides the competition, eating the traditional food zongzi is favored by everyone. For me, it is very delicious. My grandma makes the best zongzi. She has the special recipe and it fits my stomach. So every time I go back hometown, my grandma will make it for me.


In other places, drinking the special wine and hanging the leaf are also the tradition. The preserve of the traditional festival makes our culture profound.







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