

论广告 On Advertisement


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Speaking of advertisement, some people dohave a bad feeling for it. They argue that it happens quite often that whenthey are enjoying a movie, then advertisement pop up and disappoint them.While, some people believe that advertisement is great for they are informed ofsome new and inexpensive products or other things. In my point of view, I thinkadvertisement is a disaster. Reasons are as follows.


First of all, most advertisements are fullof fake information. Most manufacturers prefer to advertise their products;hence they will try to use exaggerated and even fake information to attractcustomers.


Secondly, advertisement can be annoying.When people are watching TV programs or listen to radios, if advertisement breaksin by midway, then people will get annoyed because ads make them forget whatthey are watching or listening.


Thirdly, ads cheat on customers. For mostcustomers, they would buy the products pasted in advertisement because theybelieve what the ads say. Since advertisements are usually dishonest, mostcustomers will find themselves cheated after they buy the product in ads.


All in all, since advertisement is soannoying, full of fake information and cheat on customers, I don’t thinkadvertisement is popular among us.



大学生英语作文:The Advantage of Advertisement 广告的好处

With the development of society, there are more and more new industries appear in people’s life. Advertising industry is one of them. It is at the trends of flourishing. In some extend, it changes our life, bringing great benefits to us. We can’t live without it. There are several reasons to account for me view.


First of all, advertising provides clear goods information to us. When we walk into the supermarket, we will see dazzling commodities. It is common that we don’t know what to choose as we don’t have a better understanding about them. At that time, advertisement can offer help for us. We can choose a product according to its advertisement, because every advertisement will show the best part for that product. Even though we don’t know the commodities well, but we can have a little understanding about it. In the other words, advertisement plays the role as assistance when we are buying things.

首先,广告为我们提供了明确的商品信息。当我们走进超市的时候,我们会看到琳琅满目的商品。通常我们都不知道要买什么因为 我们不怎么了解它们。这个时候,广告就可以帮助我们了。我们可以根据广告来选择商品,因为每个广告都展示了产品的最好部分。虽然我们不了解商品,但我们还是可以有一点点了解的。换句话来说,在我们买东西的时候,广告帮了我们很多。

Secondly, advertisement also gives a chance for many people to find a job. The ad is everywhere around us. So it must need many people to work for it. In the competition society, it is a good opportunity for us to solve the difficulty of employment. Without advertising industry, there are many people will lose their jobs?


To sum up, it is my point about the advantages of advertising. We should make full use of it in our daily life and occupation.


大学生英语作文:恼人的广告 Annoying Advertisement【精】

Every day when we turn on theTV-set, what appears into our eyes first is advertisement. Some people thinkthat advertisements have many advantages, while I take no interests in them atall. On the contrary, they are a great nuisance in my mind.


There are two main disadvantagesof advertisements. For one thing, advertisements often mislead us. Most sellerson advertisements boast that their products are superior to other ones in themarkets. However, they are inferior in quality. When people fall for thetricks, they can do nothing but complain and regret because they can’t contactthe sellers to get compensation after purchasing. For another, advertisementsusually take up plenty of time on TV, so we can’t watch any TV programs in ahappy mood. What is worse is that many interesting programs are segmented by alot of boring advertisements, which makes us feel annoyed. But we have tostand.


In conclusion, advertisementshave become a new form of visual pollution which must be prohibited strictly.


大学生作文分享 The Advantage and Disadvantage of Advertisement 广告的利弊(收藏)

With the development of informatization, people have more and more chances to choose the commodities they like. But the more goods exist, the more confusion people feel in choosing one. Therefore, advertisement stands out to take the responsibility for people to choose the products they prefer. But advertising has advantages and disadvantages. Some people are in favor of it, while some are on the contrary. As for me, I’m in the neutral place.


On the one hand, advertisements help people have a better understanding about products. Advertisements always tell people the advantages and functions of the products. People can buy the things they want by reading advertisements. By the way, advertisements are free for consumers. Moreover, advertising is much more interesting than the instructions on the packaging box, because advertisements contain various factors, such as pictures, videos, voice plots and so on. Don’t you think it is a good way for choosing a product?


On the other hand, sometimes advertisements are tempting and deceptive. In order to attract the target customers, the advertiser will fill the content of decorating expressions, regardless of the filthy measures they have taken or the severe damages they may bring about. The advertisements always exaggerate the advantages and functions of the products. As a result, they mislead consumers to buy things that are not deserved.


To sum up, advertisements have the good side and the opposite side. If we just take them as a reference, it will be good. But if we depend on them to buy things, we may suffer losses in the end.


Should TV Advertisement be Banned? 应不应该限制电视广告(收藏)

With the development of a market-oriented economy, advertisement becomes a dominant feature in the television industry. Some people think it bring lots of advantages and convenience for human beings, while some people consider the disadvantages it brings are more than advantages and it should be restricted. What do you think of it? For me, i think it should be banned. There are several reasons to support my view.


Firstly, today’s TV advertisement has too much illusive descriptions. As most of the present advertisements are commercial, their purpose is to convince the public to buy their products and then get money from it. In the most cases, they will use exaggerated ways to convince people. Sometimes they will even show some false information to people. For example, the losing weight advertisement. If people can lose so much weight by having their medicine, the world will be no fat.


Secondly, too much commercial advertisement will have negative effect on children. Television has become one of the necessary amusement tools in every family and nearly every family has one. Of course, it also becomes the amusement tool for children. If they have received so much information about the materials, their life value may be affected. What’s worse, it will affect their life purpose.


To sum up, too much TV advertisement brings more disadvantages than advantages. To the health of human beings and the next generation, i think TV advertisement should be restricted.


论睡眠 On Sleep

When it comes to sleep, people’s opinions vary. Some people think that we should sleep as much as possible to keep our mind conscious. Some people think that we shouldn’t sleep too much because long time sleep makes people sleepy. In my opinion, appropriate sleep can not only refresh our mind but also keep us energetic.


First of all, enough sleep makes us energetic. After a day’s working, people feel tired. Therefore, a good and enough sleep can help people recover from the exhausting status.


Secondly, sleep enough can avoid illness. It is investigated that more than 90% people who suffers from insomnia are tending to fall ill easily compared with those who have enough sleep.


Thirdly, enough sleep benefits our mind. According to researcher from American and French, the “Sharp Wave Ripple” in brain which is responsible for strengthen memory can only appear when people fall into deep sleep. If we have enough sleep, then our memory will be improved so that we can learn things more efficiently.


All in all, enough sleep makes us energetic, benefit our mind and also help us to avoid from being ill. Hence, people should get enough sleep.


















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