




Dear _,

President [Name], Faculty, Parents, Classmates, and Guests, I am honored to stand here today as your valedictorian. The path that led me to this podium required hard work, determination, courage, and motivation. These are qualities that I also admire in my classmates, and I am proud to be a part of this class and this college. Today, we look to our horizons and see the future stretched out before us. This should also be a day when we remember and pay tribute to our pasts.

The path that led me here took an important turn one seemingly ordinary day in high school. I sat in class as my 10th grade history teacher continued our unit on World War II. On this day, he split the class into small groups and told us that we would be taking the perspective of the various countries that were involved in World War II in a debate. As he distributed the names of countries, each group hoped to open its paper and see America?written in bold letters. When our group received the folded slip, we opened it and read it with dismay: Japan. Thinking we were sure to lose the debate, we settled down to prepare our explanation for attacking Pearl Harbor. After a few minutes, I realized that I was coming up with logical reasons for this attack, and was shocked that it was possible to think this way. I found myself able to understand an action that I had believed impossible to justify. Though I still believed that the attack was wrong, I understood that there was another side to the issue, and that there was a reason behind the actions of this side.

From this experience arose a desire to enter the field of foreign policy. I wanted to develop and use my ability to understand the logic of other nations?choices and, by doing so, to help our country relate to those nations. I decided to study the philosophies behind international politics and to develop my own theories in that area. Eager to start on this career path, I joined the student government to experience the workings of politics on a small scale. While I served as class representative my junior year, and the school vice president my senior year, I succeeded in resolving issues through my ability to take another's perspective.

My experience in student government fueled my desire to study politics. I opted to take Advanced Placement European History my senior year, and learned to analyze the past as a way of predicting outcomes in the future. As I prepared for college, I sought a program that would allow me to work with some of the best professors in the field and that would offer opportunities to work in government offices, become involved with student government, and join campus political groups. I chose [name of college].

At [Name of college], I excelled in my courses, driven by my passion for political theory and policy. I became involved in the student government, and was proud to represent my school as the student council president. Working with my one of my professors over the summer, I co-authored and published an article on the foreign policy changes in post-World War II Japan. Through our gracious alumni, I was given the chance to work as an intern on Capitol Hill, where my knowledge of foreign policy was supplement by hands-on experience.

Standing here today, I am thankful for all the opportunities, support, and knowledge that allowed me to travel this path. I look forward to my career and to success in my chosen field as I continue to travel. Looking back, I know that I possess the qualities of determination, strength and understanding. These qualities, in combination with my experiences, will allow me to bring positive change to the world through my work. I encourage you, my classmates, to look back with pride upon the path that has led you here, and to use your individual strengths and experiences to better the world that has offered us so many opportunities.

Yours sincerely,


法国音乐学院在录取学生时更看重学生的专业水平,而不是法语水平。因此面试时会有专业法语翻译在旁边。但因为课程是法语授课,而且学生还需修读艺术、历史等课程,所以 虽然在学校面试时不要求学生掌握法语,但是面试通过后必须进行法语培训,以便通过签证。

抵法后,修读艺术专业的国际学生还要一边参加法语培训一边学习专业。尽管没有语言门槛, 但依然需要学习法语。


中法艺术教育是有差别的,法国在音乐教育上讲究全方位发展,中国学生往往只专注所学的主专业,而忽略其他专业的基础课程,往往认为只要学好主专业就可以了。但法国的音 乐教育则要求学生全面发展,试唱练耳、分析等课程是作为各个专业的必修课程。建议去法国学艺术的中国学生把音乐看作一门综合的艺术,重视“非专业课程”学习。

在法国,只有两所中央级的音乐学院,分别是巴黎高等国立音乐学院和里昂高等国立音乐学院,进入这两所学校必须要通过统一的入学考试,考试有相当的难度。而大区级的音乐 学院目前有36所,入学门槛也较高,但大多数中国学生的专业水平可进入这类学院,如果想进入中央级音乐学院的学生,可先进入大区级音乐学院,再考入中央级,成功率较高。


法国音乐学院读书获得D.E.M文凭后,如果学生想在法国就业,可以参加法国及欧洲各大音乐社团的工作面试,只要专业水平过关,适合担当某个社团的表演角色,就可以获得在 大型音乐社团供职的机会。除了进入音乐社团,在获得D.E.M文凭后,学生还可申请进入巴黎高等国立音乐学院、里昂高等国立音乐学院,以接受更高等的艺术教育。另外,还可以报考教师 学院,比如巴黎高等音乐师范学院,毕业后将在音乐学院担任助教以上授课型职务,从事音乐教育工作。





Dear _,

Almost any technology we take for granted today involves engineering: from mobile phones to space shuttles, engineering certainly has an impact on our daily lives. Increasingly over the last few years, I have become drawn to engineering and the wide range of possibilities that studying in this field can offer. Modern technology always intrigues me and I find it fascinating to see how they function, especially with the intricate physics behind them. I believe that although it is important to determine how things work, it is perhaps more valuable to understand why they fail and use it to our advantage to construct better solutions. I aspire to become an engineer because I believe that I can make a difference to our lives, by creating solutions for the many problems that surround our world today.

After embracing a larger interest in engineering, I decided to broaden my mind by reading about different engineers such as James Watt and Edison. They both inspired me as they dedicated their work to improve living standards at the time, which revolutionized the way we lived. In July I attended a Headstart course at Loughborough to discover more about this field in general, and it has further secured my opinion that I want to be part of this area of expertise. Working at Steve Leung's Architects in Hong Kong last summer has provided me with a sound opportunity to gain an incredible insight into the areas of architecture and structural engineering. Although it was hard work, I enjoyed the challenges by solving them with scientific and mathematical ideas. Besides, I learnt to use statistical models to solve complex calculations, whilst developing teamwork and time management skills.

I believe that I am well suited to this field, as my subjects and thinking reflect the nature of engineering. Studying physics with the Advanced Extension Award has provided me with the core scientific knowledge needed. My innate logical thought enables me to apply this theory to diverse and practical problems, which I find challenging and enjoyable. Maths has given me numerous problem solving opportunities and allows me to apply usual concepts to solve unusual situations. Furthermore, by studying Design and Technology, I gained experiences with electronics, materials and CAD/CAM, as well as coping with large amounts of coursework. Alongside the main subjects, I am also undertaking Chinese as an extra language. In addition, Geography at AS level presents me with analytical abilities and a greater awareness of issues on a larger scale.

For the past 4 years I have thoroughly enjoyed boarding, as I get on well with others easily. This has helped me to develop as a person, making me independent and organized, but more importantly it has developed my interpersonal skills. As I am from a family of Chinese origins in the UK, I am able to speak both English and Chinese fluently, which is an invaluable advantage for me. Apart from my curricular activities, I like to be involved with other aspects of school life, such as sports. My favorites are rugby and hockey, and I am currently a member of the 1st Hockey team. I also help to coach the U15s team occasionally, and this develops my teamwork skills and discipline. On the other hand I have enjoyed taking part and helping to coordinate ???Jack and the Beanstalk???, which is the school pantomime for this year. Whenever possible, I enjoy socializing with friends, as I believe there is more to life than just academic success.

Through my experiences I am beginning to appreciate the future and prosperity that engineering has to offer. I hope that a degree from your university will act as a key for a successful career in engineering.

Yours sincerely,


























法语课程对留学生的法语水平有着必要的要求。根据欧洲委员会于20xx年颁布的《欧洲共同语言参考标准》(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages),法语水平由低到高被为A1、A2、B1、B2、C1、C2,共6个等级。





1. TEF考试(Test d’Evaluation de Francais)



2. TCF考试(Test de Connaissance du Francais)








Dear _,

A fourth-year student grounded solidly in the basics of computer science, I am writing in pursuit of graduate studies that I hope can help me acquire cutting-edge expertise in software programming in general and parallel processing in particular.

Intrigued by the power of the computer since high school, I have been trying to stay on top of the computer science by concentrating my undergraduate studies on those subjects that underpin the discipline, particularly mathematics and electronics. To build up my solid knowledge in these subjects, I have taken virtually all the related courses that the university has had to offer. These courses include Algorithm & Data Structure, Mathematical Modeling, Network Theory, Digital Circuit, Discrete Mathematics, and Electric Circuit. With a sophisticated understanding in these areas, I have been well positioned to appreciate the basic theories of computer science and their applications to software development.

Aided by the firm command of the basics, I have found it not only easy but also exciting to study the various subjects covered by my major. As most of my classmates, I took a variety of courses ranging from AI to Computer Network, from AI Programming to Knowledge Engineering, from Pattern Recognition to Software Engineering, and from Database Design to Programming Language Design. But I distinguished myself by my academic record, which places me as one of the very top students in my class. My grades in these course never went below A or B. I have also stood out as one of the few who have taught themselves Real Time System and Computer Graphics.

Armed with sound training in the basic theories and applied technologies, I have been able to move on into deeper and wider areas of computer science. Early in my university life, I began to understand that the modern computer's base, the Turing machine, was reaching its limits in AI. Gradually, I have narrowed down my research interest to parallel & distributive computing, which I understand can significantly boost the performance of personal computers by giving them some of the functions of mainframe computers.

Of all the areas of computer science, parallel processing fascinates me the most. The term first came to me when I read the book Computer Organization & Design: the Hardware/Software Interface as part of my Computer Architecture course. By teaching me how the performance of computers can be improved through pipelining and parallel processing, the book reshaped my thinking in computer science.

My lab experience deepened my understanding of parallel processing. In my third year, I worked on a GIFT project with Dr. Komatsu, chief researcher of IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory and Dr. Koseki, one of Dr. Komatsu's colleagues. The project was to introduce the architecture supports that can allow compilers to derive more parallelism from programs. These architecture supports include three designs, a conditional execution mechanism to execute instructions without normal conditional jump instructions, speculative execution mechanism, and a dynamic memory disambiguation mechanism to execute memory access instructions simultaneously.

As undergraduate students seldom get to be involved in actual research, I took full advantage of the opportunity of working in the lab. I particularly enjoyed the seminars held twice a week as part of the lab work. At these seminars, I engaged in in-depth discussions with Master's students under Dr. Komatsu's seasoned guidance. The lab experience is adding weight and insights to my graduation paper An Improvement of Software pipelining using Loop Transformations. In this paper, I will introduce a translation algorithm using loop interchange and loop skewing. This algorithm can minimize the initiation interval of loop nest to improve the performance of software pipelining.

Through my lab experience and other research, I have developed a long-term professional objective: the advancement of the parallel processing technology. While I have strong faith in this technology, I also know its limitations as it is today. Some sequential algorithms can't be easily translated into fast parallel algorithms and most compilers can only distribute works on one platform. Another unsettled problem is that programming parallel computers is now still a manual work. But even the modern language (like Java, C++) can do some automatic translation work. If a compiler can be developed to translate and distribute work into different platforms, personal computers will be able to work like mainframe computers at a fraction of the mainframes' costs. This will make it possible to connect all the computers in the world and speed up all the processes.

To help take the parallel processing technology beyond what is capable of today, I have to undertake more advanced studies. This, I believe, can only be accomplished in a quality graduate program like yours. I plan to pursue a master's degree with a concentration on paralleling and distributing compilers, operating systems or computer networks, a combination thereof. With the training that goes into such an advanced degree, I think I will be able to take great strides towards fulfilling my professional objective. When I do, I think I will be standing on the cutting-edge of the computer science.

Yours sincerely,



在法国,设在大学校园内或市内的大学生公寓均由大区大学及学校事务管理中心 (CROUS) 负责进行管理。公寓内设10至12平方米带家俱和盥洗设备的单人房间,厕所和淋浴为楼层公用。公共设施还包括:公用小厨房、工作和会议室等。某些公寓还提供一些特殊服务,例如:公共部分的打扫、提供床单、常驻保安看守,等等。这类住所的平均租金在每月120至300欧元之间。



这类专供大学生租用的私营公寓分布于法国各大城市。为弥补公立大学公寓住房的不足,最近几年来,法国的私营大学生公寓得到了很快的发展。私营大学生公寓通常提供带家俱和设备的单间套房 ( Studio) ;内设简易厨房,视情况可配带餐具;公用设施包括:咖啡厅、电视室、会议室、复印室、自动洗衣房,等等。这些单间套房根据适用于私营部门的租赁法规出租;须签订租约并按要求缴纳押金。如在离开住房时,房屋设施保持搬入时的原样状况,则可退还押金。




这类住房通常需要通过物业中介管理公司寻找;也可通过报刊广告直接向房主租用。按照法国的习惯,房租由两个部分组成:一是归属房主的住房租金,另一部分称 作“杂费负担 ( Charges)”,主要用于支付日常公共开支,例如:信件、门房、楼房公共部分的清洁打扫,等等。杂费金额视住房大小和楼房档次而不同。学生住房的杂费大约在每月50 欧元左右。在租房广告中,如有缩写注明“CC”,也即“charges comprises ”,其意思是所列的房租中已经包含了“杂费”;否则,还应另加杂费。为谨慎起见,应随时询问房东或房产经纪公司房租是否包含杂费。

















Dear _,

A few years ago, USA Today named the star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sarah Michelle Gellar, the epitome of the modern feminist. Declaring with her take-no-prisoners attitude...vampire-slaying Buffy Summers has become... a feminist hero who's smart, tough and self-reliant, the beautiful blonde was apotheosized by younger girls. When asked about feminism, she explained, Feminism sort of has a negative connotation. It makes you think of women that don't shave their legs. Does Gellar consider herself a feminist? I hate the word, she replied. Why is the public so uncomfortable with the word feminism? Society implores women to strive to be smart and strong, but to be too smart or too strong is discouraged. Instead, too many settle for being a Buffy, a female with incredible potential kept in check by contemporary culture's definition of woman.

Last year, one of my teachers cracked a sexist joke and I commented that I found it inappropriate. He informed me the class was mature enough for such content. After class ended, a male student rudely inquired, Are you a feminist? as if it were a disease. I immediately reverted to a defensive mode, feeling the burden to justify not only my opinions, but also the entire platform of feminism; for a moment, like Gellar, I did not want to associate myself with a term so disgraceful. Looking back on the incident, I wish I would have had the courage I now possess to defend my beliefs. I am willing to take the risk of standing up against a popular opinion if I do not believe it to be right.

Perhaps I illuminate the paradox many modern women face. On one hand, I embody the prototypical, devoted female, assuaging the plight of Romanian orphans and donating countless hours to the Second Harvest Food Bank of the Inland Northwest. Numerous local and national accolades verify my role as a nurturer and do-gooder. But when I step into a cross-examination debate round where the object is to establish your case and tear apart the opposing side, I risk being considered too assertive, too aggressive, and too competitive, while all of these traits are seen as desirable qualities in my male opponents. Sadly, many believe that to be feminine one must remain passive, a role I refuse to accept.

Am I a feminist? If that means I take risks to make my convictions known and strive to be smart and strong, then people can call me that if society must label me. But feminism does not define who I am, it's merely a term to describe some of my principles. I do not advocate every issue grounded in the feminist agenda. Feminism neglects my passion for competition, my desire to enact change, and my love of history. Feminism fails to capture my compelling feelings on Weapons of Mass Destruction or on the high levels of poverty in my hometown of Spokane. No one term elucidates my fear of failure, nor my aspiration to transform others through journalism. Instead, feminism is just one of the many terms I use to express myself, and to differentiate myself from Buffy.

Yours sincerely,
































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